You go, girl! 1000-Lb. Sisters star Tammy Slaton shared photos of her stunning weight loss transformation and trach tube removal

The TLC personality, 36, posted a series of selfies via Instagram on Tuesday, March 7, revealing that her tracheostomy — which is a hole that is surgically created in the neck and windpipe, per Mayo Clinic — had been removed and was replaced by a thinner tube. In the snapshots, Tammy wore her pair of glasses and a black floral tee. 

Countless fans took to the comments section to applaud Tammy for her progress. 

“Gotta admit, Tammy, you proved a whole lot of us wrong. Way to go [and] keep it up!” one follower wrote. “Wow, what a big difference, keep going Tammy,” another chimed in. “The trach is gone, and you’re doing such an amazing job my Tammy!!!” a third added. 

‘1000-Lb. Sisters’: Tammy Slaton Shows Weight Loss: Photos
Courtesy of Tammy Slaton/Instagram

Three weeks prior, the reality TV star returned to Instagram for the first time since March 2022 by posting a video of selfies, in which she rocked different sets of stylish sunglasses. 

Season 4 of 1000-Lb. Sisters has followed Tammy’s health progress. Recently, fans watched as she celebrated a major weight loss milestone during the February 7 episode, dropping from 717 pounds to 534 pounds. 

‘1000-Lb. Sisters’: Tammy Slaton Shows Weight Loss: Photos
Courtesy of Tammy Slaton/Instagram

“When I got on the scale and seeing the scale was 534.7, I kind of stopped breathing for a second,” she admitted during a confessional. “I’m like 14 pounds under my goal weight from over 700. That’s a huge drop.”

The Kentucky native continued, “I proved everybody wrong. Everybody that doubted me. I finally got my ‘I told you so’ moment.”

At the beginning of the season, Tammy recalled her hospitalization from November 2021, in which she experienced an alarmingly near-death incident from carbon dioxide poisoning. 

“I don’t remember any of it, nothing. I completely blacked out,” she explained during the January 17 episode. “I woke up a week later in the hospital, on life support. I don’t remember any of it.” 

Aside from her inspirational journey, Tammy’s recent marriage to husband Caleb Willingham has also been documented throughout the show’s fourth season. The couple got engaged in October 2022 and tied the knot one month later at the Windsor Rehabilitation Facility in Ohio, where they both met. 

When it comes to the pair’s health habits, Tammy opened up to Us Weekly in February 2023 about how they support one another. 

“On our weight loss journeys, when he’s having issues with wanting to eat because he’s bored or because he’s an emotional eater, he comes to me and we talk about the situation,” she explained. “It’s the same for me and I talk to him. We talk about our issues and why we feel this way. We are true partners. … “He truly was a godsend [through my weight-loss efforts].”