When it comes to the Golden Globes—or any award’s show, really—it’s easy to get caught up in the glitz and glamour of the gowns and gorgeous women of Hollywood. And with two women at the helm of last night’s gala, it was an especially exciting night for the ladies of entertainment.

But when it came down to it, we feel like the guys totally stole the show!

Amy and Tina’s 9 Best Zingers From Their Golden Globe Monologue!

Don’t get us wrong, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did a totally kick-ass job hosting and even called out Hollywood on a lot of the BS directed towards women in their monologue—with jabs about double standards when it comes to gaining/losing weight for men and women and the popularity of dating younger women (hey, George Clooney). 

Still, it’s the guys that we’re thinking about the this morning! Check out 12 moments from last night’s Golden Globes that prove the leading men had the lasting impression!

1. Aaron Paul’s Breaking Bad Send Off!

When Breaking Bad took home the top honor with Best TV Series: Drama, the show’s creator Vince Gilligan invited Aaron Paul to send off the show in the most memorable and appropriate (or should we say inappropriate?) way possible—with Jesse Pinkman’s signature, “Yeah, b*tch!”

2. Spike Jonze’s Adorably Awkward Acceptance Speech


Spike Jonze was given the Golden Globe for Best Screenplay by the best presenter ever—Emma Thompson—and followed it up with one of the most sincere and awkward (but in a oh-you’re-so-adorable-when-you-fumble-over-your-words! awkward) speeches that Hollywood has seen in a while.

3. Jonah Hill’s Teleprompter Tension

When Jonah Hill and his Wolf of Wall Street costar Margot Robbie took the stage to introduce their film, the teleprompter accidentally loaded a speech for another set of presenters…oops! Luckily, Jonah—who has presented at a few of these things—handled it like a champ!

4. Matthew McConaughey’s Perfect Acceptance Speech


After sharing a pretty passionate kiss with his wife Camila Alves, when it came time to accept his award for Best Actor in a Drama—for Dallas Buyers ClubMatthew McConaughey had the perfect acceptance speech prepared. Not only did he ace the gracious winner and congratulate his fellow nominees, but his also paid homage to the real hero and inspiration of his film, Ron Woodruff, while hilariously quoting his own film career—by saying a line from his first movie scene ever, “Alright, alright, alright!”

5. Bono Lends Amy Poehler a Helping Hand… and Tongue


Despite being a musician at the Golden Globes, Bono was a big winner last night! Not only did the U2 rocker win the trophy for Best Original Song for his number for Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, but he also won our hearts when he gave Amy Poehler this calming massage when she was up for Best TV Actress: Comedy—and had a celebratory makeout sesh when she won!

6. Alfonso’s Accent Confusion Confession

When Mexico-born director Alfonso Cuarón was honored with the Best Director honor for Gravity, his shared a hilarious story about a possible confusion his accent might’ve caused for Sandra Bullock. “I want to thank [Sandra] for not quitting when you thought I told you, ‘Sandra, I am going to give you herpes’ when what I really wanted to say was, ‘Sandra, I’m going to give you an ear piece.’”

7. Andy Samberg’s Total Shock


With award show season comes a lot of fake humility—the winner that’s “shocked” to learn they have won. This wasn’t the case with Andy Samberg, who was actually shocked he won Best TV Actor in the comedy category for Brooklyn Nine-Nine. And in case his adorable, ad-libbed speech isn’t good enough, the genuine excitement from his former SNL costar Seth Meyers was pretty great too!

8. Amy Poehler’s Debut As Randy

When introducing Miss Golden Globe—Sosie Bacon, daughter of Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick—Tina Fey interrupted “in the name of gender equality” to introduce her “adult son” Randy… AKA Amy Poehler. The Parks & Rec star had everyone cracking up as she searched the Golden Globes audience for “his real dad!”

9. Matt Damon’s Glasses Struggle

We have to give Matt Damon A LOT of credit for last night! Not only did he handle being everyone’s punching bag (because of Tina and Amy’s monologue joke about him being “a garbage man”) like a champ, but he also kept his cool when he went up to present and forgot his glasses. As any nearsighted person can tell you, that is no joke!

10. Diddy’s Drunken Performance on Stage

The Golden Globes are known for being a bit of a party. Unlike the Oscars, which are strictly business, celebrities can let their hair down at the Globes, which has an open bar and everything! Still, we couldn’t help but think that Diddy was a little bit like that college freshman at his first frat party! Just look at that drunken hug he gave Bono (and the U2 frontman’s amazingly awkward response!) Wait a sec… what is Diddy even doing at the Golden Globes?!

11. Leo Continues His Acceptance Speech

It’s become a bit of a recurring joke that no matter what he does, Leonardo DiCaprio can’t seem to snag an award! So when he did win for The Wolf of Wall Street, it’s understandable that he may not have known how to handle the whole acceptance speech thing. So when he got cut off by the “Your time is up music”, he did the only logical thing… he continued his acceptance speech when he went up to present another award! Cheeky.

12. Jon Voight Becomes a Total Mush


Jon Voight is a bona fide bad ass—and plays an even bigger badass in Ray Donovan, a role that earned him Best Supporting Actor last night. So it was totally awesome to see him gush and get nervous when he accepted his award! Just as the music began to play, he managed to say, “And I’m thinking, obviously, of all of my lovely family.” We must say, nice save! The music definitely would’ve played him out if he tried to name all of Angelina’s brood!