Fans were confused about the weird relationship that David Toborowsky and Chris Thieneman had during Season 5 of 90 Day Fiancé since Chris seemed to fund David's entire engagement and wedding to his wife Annie Suwan. But at the request of his wife Nikki Cooper, Chris cut David and Annie off financially and they've definitely been struggling on this season of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After because of it. But why was David being financially supported by his friend Chris in the first place?

In an interview during the 90 Day Fiancé live special, Nikki's brother Antonio gave some insight as to why he thought his brother-in-law was so generous with David when it came to money.

"This is the reason why — and this is how grimey David is and how he’s always been," Antonio explained. "See, Chris had a situation happen in his younger years where he had a friend that committed suicide. David, being another friend of his and how he said in the first episode of the season, that he’s attempted or thought about committing suicide before. So he knows that Chris has a soft spot in his heart for that. David takes advantage of the fact that Chris has some sort of sympathy or leeway to do for him because Chris vowed to him that he would be there [for him]."

Even though Antonio alleged that David had said he had been suicidal during the first episode, he actually did not. In his intro for the season, David gave a little information about his past and how he ended up meeting Annie. He said that he had been through a divorce after being married for 21 years, then he lost his house, his cars, and his job. His weight shot up to about 350 pounds, and then on top of it all, he had a stroke.

"So at that point of hitting rock bottom, I went to Thailand to rebuild myself. I had lost a lot of weight and it was kind of the beginning of the reboot of myself," David said. I wasn’t really looking for love — and then Annie came into my life."