She’s telling her side of the story! Earlier this week, 90 Day Fiancé star Leida lost a partnership with online boutique SurelyMine after the company released an official statement on social media. In their statement, the company claimed that they were parting ways with Leida because of the way she handled herself during that controversial fight scene with her fiancé Eric‘s 19-year-old daughter Tasha aired earlier in the season. But now, Leida is explaining her side of the story and revealing what she believes is the reason for the termination of this partnership.

“I no longer collaborate with SurelyMine because they got attacked by many haters. Also, I didn’t get paid doing the ‘collaboration’ with them,” Leida, 29, wrote in an exclusive statement to In Touch. “I hope it can clarify things. I don’t lose anything because of this collaboration because I only got free dresses, that’s it.”

She then shared screenshots of DM conversations between her and the company and the company’s owner on Instagram from the start of the collaboration with the boutique, which was dated on Dec. 4, — just five days before Leida’s controversial scene with Tasha aired on 90 Day Fiancé. In the messages, the boutique made it clear that they would send her free items and all Leida would have to do is post photos of herself wearing the items.

In a statement provided to In Touch, SurelyMine confirmed the terms of their partnership with Leida. “I contacted several ladies from 90 Day Fiancé show to see if they would be interested in doing a collaboration with SurelyMine,” the statement read. “The specifics of that collaboration is that it was a ‘gifting,’ which meant that she could select any two items for free from the store in exchange for her posting about those items on her social media.”

With both parties on board, Leida posted her first photo after the controversial fight scene aired where Leida kicked her 19-year-old future stepdaughter out of the house. Almost immediately, the company started getting slammed with DMs and comments from 90 Day Fiancé fans slamming Leida and questioning the integrity of the brand. The company reached out to Leida and told her that they would address the comments in an official letter, asked her to refrain from posting about them until everything died down, and they asked that she refrain from mentioning the brand at all on her personal Instagram.

“They got attacked from people, [that’s the] reason why they dropped the collaboration, which is totally fine for me since I didn’t get paid doing that, I only got [two] dresses,” Leida explained to In Touch. “It’s so sad when the brand is not completely honest about what was going on. Then they decided to drop the collaboration because of this reason.”

On Sunday, Dec. 16, Leida shared a message to her haters on Instagram. “When they see [me happy] they just wanna destroy my happiness like planning to throw eggs to my house or attacking a clothing brand that I’m promoting LMAO,” Leida wrote in her message.

The brand then reached out to Leida again, seemingly upset because Leida had gone against their agreement for her to not mention the company in any way on social media. “This is simply not okay to antagonize people while mentioning us even if it is indirectly or jokingly,” the shop owner wrote to Leida in a message. “This has once again delivered a huge negative blow to my brand. My brand and I can no longer be a part of this kind of negative discourse.”

Leida denied the claims. “I wasn’t antagonizing anyone, I was just laughing at those bad people because they keep trying to destroy me so I found it funny,” Leida told In Touch.

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But in a statement to In Touch, SurelyMine stated that they stand by their decision to end the partnership with Leida because they don’t agree with the way she conducted herself on the show. “SurelyMine is a family company that is female owned and operated. We do not support or condone the actions and behavior that were depicted on the show. The actions, values, and opinions in this case from Leida DO NOT [sic] reflect those of the SurelyMine Brand or its affiliates,” SurelyMine previously said in a statement posted on Instagram. “Our brand prides itself on being a positive influence and partner in our community. Therefore, we have decided to discontinue any and all present and future collaboration with Leida.”