The financial fights are still heating up between 90 Day Fiancé couple Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa — but now they also involve his mom and sister. On the Sunday, August 9, episode of Happily Ever After, Kalani clashed with her in-laws when she and her husband couldn’t afford to give them the kind of monetary gift they were expecting. Though Asuelu originally wanted to give his family $1,000, his wife thought $100 was more reasonable.

The argument started when the Samoa native’s sister Tammy asked how much money they brought. Asuelu, 24, tried to explain that most of his income needs to support his wife and children first, but his sister wasn’t having it. She told him that he should be sending money to his parents and siblings no matter what — and that’s when Kalani, 32, got involved. When she asked if Tammy is also sending money home, tensions exploded.

90 day fiance kalani asuelu relationship timeline
Courtesy of Kalani Faagata/Instagram

“It’s none of your business,” Tammy told Kalani. Asuelu’s mom, Lesina, also got in on the drama, blaming her daughter-in-law for the lack of cash. Though Lesina was originally so excited to see her son that she kissed him fully on the lips for long enough that Kalani couldn’t help but comment on how “awkward” it was they were basically “making out” in front of everyone, the family reunion quickly went off the rails.

This time, however, it just may bring Asuelu and Kalani closer together. During the August 2 episode, the Utah native told her husband that he was trying to “buy his family’s love.” They clashed over his idea to give his mom not just $1,000 but also gifts from the store. “[He’s] grabbing everything and not looking at prices,” his wife complained. “Why would we take money if we’re taking gifts?”

Asuelu didn’t seem to agree with his wife’s take on the subject at the time, but the blowup with his family may have changed his perspective. After he revealed on a previous episode he was feeling homesick, he didn’t seem to feel any better after his actual visit. He admitted even he felt like they only called him for “money” rather than because they genuinely wanted to see him. “Today, I feel that’s true,” he said in his confessional.