She’s not here for the negativity! Alaskan Bush People star Rain Brown has always gotten hate on Instagram, and now she’s finally doing something about it. On Wednesday, May 15, she revealed she’ll be “limiting commenting” on her Instagram posts in order to combat the trolling she faces. On her Story, the star told fans about her decision, continuing to explain it in a series of a videos.

“Due to negativity about subjects very near to me, I will be removing comments on my posts from here on out,” Rain, 16, wrote. “I don’t like the way some people affect the way others would view my life and or things in my life due to others’ inability to be positive and kind. Thank you for understanding.” In a second post, she added, “I will only be allowing comments from people that I follow to limit the amount of negativity but still allow some feedback.”

Rain Brown Is Limiting Comments on Instagram
Courtesy of Rain Brown/Instagram

In the videos, she explained further. “Hey, guys, I just wanted to clarify the thing that I just posted on my story, which is talking about how I will be limiting commenting on my posts due to harassment and negativity of not only me but the people that also comment on my posts and see my posts. A lot of my viewers are very young, and I don’t want that sort of negativity to be impacting them or affecting them at all or changing people’s opinions about me or my family. And also, I really don’t like it when people say mean things. So that’s why I’m limiting it to only people that I [follow].”

She explained, “I just want to keep it a happy, positive place and I feel like people are sort of damaging that, so I want to stop that. Nip it in the bud. But yeah, so if you are a really huge fan and you would like to comment on my things and be able to say things to me, you can always message me. And I don’t always see it. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It just sort of depends.” Though the video seems to cut off before the teen finishes talking, her point comes through loud and clear: When she uses her #staystrong and #stayhappy hashtags, she’s not just talking to herself, but to her followers, too.

Recently the star faced backlash when she called her mom her “bestest friend” on Mother’s Day, but it seems like there’s little she doesn’t get backlash for. When she confirmed to one fan that she and her family live in the mountains “full time,” another commenter called her out. “What?? Since when?!! You do realize your neighbors and the locals around you know you don’t live there, right? Why do you all lie like that?” they wrote in response. “It’s just a film set. The land is zoned as designated forest land, not residential property. … IDK why [the Browns] choose to continue the charade off camera, but … they don’t live there.” She’s even gotten hate for her workout skills.

In the past, Rain has addressed bullying and claimed it “builds character.” She said, “Even though I am homeschooled, I still get my fair share of bullies in person, online, you know, whatever. Kind of a cool thing about it is that builds character. You know, I definitely think that more serious bullying should of course be put a stop to … Though it is negative and horrible, I do think that it helps build really strong people, because I know I definitely wouldn’t be as strong if I weren’t bullied.” Now, it looks like she’s finally putting her foot down. She’s going to #staystrong and #stayhappy without any interference from bullies.