Yesterday marked 10 years since Meredith Kercher was senselessly killed while studying abroad in Italy. And now, she’s been memorialized by the least likely of people — her one-time roommate Amanda Knox, who was once on trial for the 21-year-old’s murder. The infamous 30-year-old penned an essay for Westside Seattle — which many people are calling out for the inappropriate amount of attention Amanda seems to put on herself.

“Ten years ago tonight, my friend was raped and murdered by a burglar when she was home alone in the apartment we shared while studying abroad in Perugia, Italy,” she wrote. “When I look back on my memories of Meredith, what I find are beautiful, banal moments we shared in the weeks we lived side-by-side… All these memories feel both very close and very distant. Distant, because I have to dig through a decade of suffering just to reach them. My memories of Meredith are buried beneath the horrific autopsy photos and crime scene photos I saw, the slurs I was called, the death threats I received (and still receive), the false accusations I fought, the years of wrongful imprisonment I endured, the multiple trials and slanderous headlines that juxtaposed our names and faces, unfairly interlocking her death with my identity. But despite all this, these memories still feel very close, in part because Meredith was my closest friends in a new and exciting time in our lives. But I think it’s also because I’ve never been allowed to mourn her.”

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She concluded her note, “I hate that my memories of her are buried beneath the years of suffering Raffaele and I endured in the wake of her murder. And it’s depressing to know that mourning her comes at the price of being criticized for anything I say or don’t say today. But most depressing of all is that Meredith isn’t here, when she deserves to be. She is painfully missed by everyone who loved her. I miss her, and I’m grateful for the memories of our time together.”

Understandably, many readers were taken aback by the inappropriate focus Amanda placed on herself in the tribute. “All the family have ever wanted was for people to remember Meredith, the victim in this crime. They don’t want or need your opinion on the matter. Could you not have just let them have that on the 10-year anniversary of her death?” one of these readers wrote.