Don’t even get her started on skinny teas! Amanda Seyfried is lashing out at social media influencers for promoting what she sees as “unhealthy” physiques. The movie star, 33, is fed up with the power of social media and how it can damage the female body image. Her first victim? Arielle Charnas.

The brains behind Something Navy, 32, posted a photo to Instagram earlier this week showing off her bikini body after having two daughters, Rudy and Esme. Arielle wrote that she is “proud” of her body as a young mother.

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Proud of my body after two kids 💚

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Naturally, many of her fans rushed to the comments to support Arielle. But unfortunately, many others thought the photo displayed an “unrealistic” body image, and more importantly insinuated that moms should quickly bounce back after pregnancy. Among the many people with concerns about Arielle’s “bikini body” post and its impact on young followers was the Mamma Mia! star, taking the discussion of social media and body image to her own page.

Amanda posted a screenshot of a very powerful comment that was left on Arielle’s photo, after which the influencer deleted and blocked the user. The rant went on to say that for the influencer by not acknowledging her privilege as a factor in her appearance, she is doing an injustice to society’s perception of beauty.

“Honeychild, you are glorifying an unhealthy body image (I don’t care if it’s ‘natural,’ don’t try that s–t with me) in a society that already fetishized the adolescent female form. Young girls don’t need any more images of emaciated women thank you very much,” wrote the blocked user. Need some ice for that burn, Arielle?

Amanda added that as an influencer or public figure, one has to note their power and how it can affect the social world, for better or worse.

“If we’re ready to get paid for flaunting our lifestyle (and inspiring some in the meantime) we have to be open to the discussions surrounding what we’re promoting. We have to back ourselves up – not run away from the issues it presents,” wrote the movie star. “There are gray areas everywhere.”

After the blonde beauty said her piece, she left her followers with a #real photo of herself and wrote, “INFLUENCE=POWER. And if you’re taking advantage of that- EMPOWER.”

Girl power and a feud all in one, we’re all ears!

Arielle has yet to respond to the backlash and seem to be doing just fine as she’s jumping for joy in her most recent post.

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ITS OUT!!!!! My magazine cover with my girls officially hit stands today. Thank you @beach_magazine for capturing my family in our favorite place to summer. Go pick up your copies todayyyy!!! 🙈🙈🤗🤗🤯🤯☺️☺️

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Both Arielle and Amanda have yet to respond to In Touch’s request for comment.

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