Just days ago, news broke that a number of actresses are planning to protest the sexual harassment epidemic in Hollywood by wearing black dresses at the upcoming 2018 Golden Globes. Rose McGowan — one of the first prominent women to shed light on the issue by accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape (which he has vehemently denied) — took to Twitter to slam the movement, pointing out its “hypocrisy” and telling fans that the gowns would “affect no real change.”

Rose’s friend and fellow actress Amber Tamblyn hit back at the 44-year-old Charmed alum in a string of impassioned tweets, defending her and many other stars’ decision to wear black at next year’s Globes. “Rose McGowan is a friend and while I support her kind of movement, I do not support any woman (or man) shaming or taunting the movements of other women who are trying to create change. Telling us to all wear Marchesa?” she wrote, referring to the fashion line helmed by Weinstein’s estranged wife, Georgina Chapman. “This is beneath you, Rose.”

amber tamblyn - getty

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Amber went on to say that she stands behind Rose regardless of her opinion about the black dress revolt. “You don’t have to support and stand with us, but we stand and support you. You may take below the belt shots at us but we will not take them at you in return,” she continued. “Our movement is big. And a black dress is just the beginning of the darkness that will be drained from every industry across the country by the time we’re done. That’s a promise.”

The former Joan of Arcadia star added, “And we stand together in this fight, shoulder to shoulder, weapon to weapon, woman to woman (and man), body to burned body. And our arms are open. And our hearts two fold. And our fire will be a universal scorch. Heed the mantra: #ChangeIsComing”

Not long after Amber’s thread of tweets made waves online, a Twitter user told her that it would have been better to address the issue with Rose privately. However, Amber was quick to let the fan know that they had spoken via phone prior to her Twitter messages.


“I spoke to her for over an hour,” Amber wrote. “Her statement was public and hurtful to some women so a public response was earned. I spoke to her at length today, she knows how I feel. I love Rose fiercely, that will never change. To be critical of an action is not to condemn the person behind it. There’s your common message.”

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