When Stormy Daniels signed a non-disclosure agreement in 2016 following her affair with then-presidential nominee Donald Trump, she listed four people with whom she had previously shared information about their relationship. Turns out, Angel Ryan, one of her confidants, is actually fellow porn star Jessica Drake, who accused the politician of sexual misconduct one month before the election.

According to CNN, Jessica and Angel are the same person, citing documents that show Angel registered a trademark for the name “Jessica Drake.” Her lawyer Gloria Allred also confirmed the news. “Jessica Drake is still my client. She is Angel Ryan and the one whose name is in the settlement agreement,” the famed attorney said. However, she would not comment on Jessica’s relationship with Stormy or the timing of the NDA signing and her client’s decision to publicly accuse the 71-year-old former reality star.

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Both Stormy and Jessica were porn stars working for Wicked Entertainment when they attended the 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe along with the Apprentice host. While Stormy went on to detail her affair with Donald following their meeting a few years later (you can read the full transcript of her interview with In Touch here), Jessica waited nearly a decade to share her story.

In a press conference, Jessica accused Donald of kissing her without consent and offering to pay her for sex. At the time, the allegations were denied by the president’s campaign team. Donald has also denied any involvement with Stormy and he recently obtained a restraining order to silence the adult film star, who filed a lawsuit to void the NDA.

Along with the NDA, Stormy received a $130,000 payment from the POTUS’ attorney Michael Cohen, who confirmed the transfer of money earlier this year. “Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” he told The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”

However, according to Democratic congressman Ted Lieu, the payment is a serious violation of federal election law. “If this article is true, it shows Cohen coordinated with @realDonaldTrump or his campaign” he tweeted on March 5. “That makes the $130k payment to Stormy Daniels a felony in violation of federal election law.”

The other three people listed in Stormy’s NDA as having “prior disclosure” of “confidential Information” are her ex-husband, her manager, and a photographer.