She’s finally sharing her story! Audrey Roloff and her husband Jeremy Roloff allowed TLC cameras to document their journey to parenthood for their family’s hit reality TV series Little People, Big World — and even though that would eventually be their last season, Auj is still continuing to share her life with fans via social media. She recently took to her blog to reveal the intimate details and share the entire story of her daughter Ember Roloff‘s birth.

“Jeremy and I wanted our labor and delivery experience to be a calm, low stress, and intimate experience between the two of us. That meant no family, friends, or cameras in the delivery room,” the 27-year-old wrote in a blog post. “We wanted to bring our daughter into the world together without having to think or worry about anything or anyone else. Just Jeremy and I, intimately experiencing the most defining moment of our lives together.”

Audrey explained that she had been 10 days past her due date and she was trying to hold out as much as she could because she wanted a natural birth and she did not want to be induced. On Sept. 9, she got the first sign that she would be going into labor soon when she started to lose her mucus plug, and things started to progress from there. At 2:30 a.m. on Sept. 10, Audrey woke up with contractions and at around 4 a.m.,  she and Jer started to make their way to the hospital. 

After settling into her delivery room, Auj decided that she wanted to spend the rest of her labor in a tub which helped relieve the pain in her lower back and tailbone. Her contractions started to get stronger and stronger while in the tub, but Jeremy gave her words of encouragement. “With each contraction, Jeremy kept saying over and over, ‘You’re stronger than it babe,'” Audrey wrote.

At 7 a.m., Audrey was transferred back to the delivery room and the pain from her contractions got so unbearable that she was unable to speak. Her midwife felt it was time for Audrey to start pushing, and after a few minutes of pushing Audrey realized that her water never broke. Her midwife broke her water, and immediately after, Auj felt that she should start pushing. After pushing for about 45 minutes, little Ember was born.