Coolest dad ever! Ben Affleck hilariously recounted how Adam Driver made him a “hero” with his 8-year-old son, Samuel, whom he shares with Jennifer Garner. The Hollywood hunk was filming The Last Duel and had to rush home for his son’s surprise birthday party, but managed to snag an extra-special gift from Kylo Ren for his Star Wars-obsessed kiddo.

“I was going to land right on time for his birthday. We had these presents set up and everything was getting shipped and sent. I was going to pick it up and go to his surprise party,” the 47-year-old recounted during an interview with Jimmy Kimmel. Unfortunately, the gifts did not arrive at his home on time, and Ben had a “sinking, awful feeling” over having to arrive empty-handed to his son’s party.

Ben Affleck at 'Kimmel'

Luckily, the A-lister had previously asked Adam, 36, to film a birthday video for Sam, but the Marriage Story star took it one step further. Adam called Ben’s assistant, got his address and sent a slew of presents with a signed card and a picture of Kylo Ren. “I took those presents and went to that surprise party,” Ben continued his story. “[I] watched him open all his other presents and said, ‘Sam, my presents didn’t get here on time, but I did get a present from someone who really wanted to make sure you got a gift.'”

Sam’s pure delight turned out to be an “incredibly moving and powerful moment” for the father and son. “Adam made me a hero to my kid, and I will never, ever, ever forget it,” the actor noted.

Ben Affleck , Jennifer Garner and Samuel Affleck strolling around in Santa Monica

Ben added that Sam is the ultimate fan of the franchise. “My son knows I do movies that are kind of fake, and his mom does movies and it’s all pretend,” he continued. “But, he also knows that Star Wars is real. No, there are guys out there fighting the Emporer, and that job needs to get done. I can do my fake bulls–t and you know, some people can do an important job.”


We’re glad Sam had the best birthday!

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