Billy Ray Cyrus was caught on an audio berating his estranged wife, Firerose, before their explosive split and In Touch has the recording.

The recording captured an alleged March 2024 argument between Billy Ray, 62, and Firerose.

Sources say Billy Ray was invited to perform at a concert but decided it was too last minute. The insider claimed he later became upset at the decision and blamed Firerose.

In the one-minute recording, Billy Ray can be heard calling Firerose an “idiot.”

He said, “I needed to leave two hours ago.”

Billy Ray Cyrus Degrades Wife Firerose in Explosive Audio Recording
Jason Kempin / Getty

Firerose tried to tell him he could still make it but he told her, “I’m not in no place to go do a show. I had to go when I was ready to go. If you would just shut the f–k up.”

Firerose can be heard pleading with Billy Ray to stop screaming at her. “If you would have left it alone when I told you … now I’m really f–king p—ed,” he said.

“You have once again shown me you will not listen. I don’t know who the f–k you think you are, but you will not f–king listen.”

He continued, “This is ain’t about … your surgery … this ain’t about nothing. This is about your being a selfish bitch.”

Billy Ray added, “I don’t think you’re real smart. I changed my damn mind … what you are, is a selfish f–king bitch.” He continued, “You cannot to continue to walk all over me and think I’m going out in public with your d—-ss.”

He told her he would not “tolerate” her behavior and told continued to curse at her.

Bill Ray addressed the audio on Instagram. He wrote, “Hell yeah I was at my wit’s end. As every day went by, I started realizing something was wrong. And that’s before I knew she was a fraud. I just knew something wasn’t right. That was before I knew she was David Hodges ex-wife.”

He continued, “That’s before I knew her parents last name. I had no idea she was arrested for felony residential burglary. I saw before my very own eyes, everything I thought I knew about her, was a lie. She was trying to take over my career, my life and usurp the Cyrus name for her own gain. See you in court. “

His attorneys, Rose Palermo and Jason Talley of Cheatham Palermo and Garrett, tell In Touch, “On behalf of our client, Billy Ray Cyrus, we wish to respond to Ms. Hodges recent release to the press in an apparent last-ditch effort to squeeze money out of Mr. Cyrus ahead of our court ordered mediation scheduled for next week. As we previously stated and released back in June, we regret that Ms. Hodges has chosen to litigate this 7-month marriage in the press and has left Mr. Cyrus with no recourse but to set the record straight, once again. Mr. Cyrus previously admitted in a court filing that he had been very vocally frustrated and angry with Ms. Hodges during their 7-month marriage as he began to uncover more and more of Ms. Hodges true motives for marrying him.”

They continued, “With regards to this recording, Ms. Hodges is the person who made the recording without telling Mr. Cyrus that she was recording him. Of course, she was intentionally on her best behavior since she knew the recording was being made. If Mr. Cyrus was truly the person that Ms. Hodges desires the court of public opinion to believe with the release of her one-sided recording, then it is mindboggling to try and explain why Ms. Hodges begged to return to live with him and for Mr. Cyrus to give her a chance to “explain everything” after he filed to annul or dissolve their marriage.”

The lawyer ended, “Unfortunately, Ms. Hodges is attempting to litigate her case in the press for her own personal gain and in an attempt to harm our client’s longstanding career, as she promised she would do if he tried to divorce her, which Mr. Cyrus alleged in a previous court filing. At this point Ms. Hodges has played her last card, while Mr. Cyrus, on the other hand, has much more material to present to the Court to demonstrate th e lies that she made public throughout these proceedings.”

Firerose previously admitted to a 2016 arrest which led to her being sentenced to probation.

As In Touch previously reported, Billy Ray filed for divorce from Firerose on May 23. She agreed to vacate his Tennessee mansion in exchange for $5,000 per month until the divorce was settled.

Billy Ray accused his ex of failing to inform him of a previous marriage. He accused her of marrying him for his famous last name.

Billy Ray Cyrus Degrades Wife Firerose in Explosive Audio Recording
John Shearer/BBMA2017 / Getty

In response, Firerose accused Billy Ray of domestic abuse and taking actions to ruin her career. He denied all allegations of wrongdoing. Billy Ray said Firerose was the one who got physical during the marriage.

As we first reported, the duo are currently fighting over whether Firerose will be allowed to return to Billy Ray’s home to pick up any leftover property. Billy Ray claimed he recently learned of Firerose’s criminal history and had concerns about her coming back.

His lawyer said due to Firerose’s “unwillingness to specific what she believes is located on his property, “[Billy Ray] is concerned letting [Firerose] re-enter his home without knowing/documenting what it is she is specifically looking for.”

A source close to Firerose told In Touch that she had medicine she needed and claimed Billy Ray was aware of her criminal history. A source close to Billy Ray claimed he knew she had been arrested but believed it was for drugs not burglary.

The court has yet to rule on Firerose’s motion to retrieve her personal items.