The estranged wife of Miley Cyrus’ dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, issued a series off subpoenas demanding copies of his private texts, In Touch can exclusively report.

According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Firerose and her legal team fired off a subpoena to Adkins Entertainment and a second subpoena to Nick Meinema at Action Entertainment Collaborative.

The subpoena instructs a rep from Adkins and Nick to appear for a hearing next month. The parties represent Billy Ray and Firerose told the parties to bring copies of all contracts of agreements they entered into with her or contracts that were made with third parties on her behalf.

In addition, the subpoena said, “also produce any and all communications with Firerose, with Billy Ray Cyrus, and/or communications with any other party in relation to Firerose Cyrus since January 1, 2022.” As In Touch first reported, Firerose accuses Billy Ray of interfering with her career and causing her to be dropped by her entire team after he filed for an annulment in May.

Ex of Miley Cyrus’ Dad Fires off Subpoenas Demanding Private Text Messages in Bitter Divorce Battle

Billy Ray filed his petition after less than a year of marriage. He cited “irreconcilable differences” and “inappropriate marital conduct” as the reason the for the split.

Firerose agreed to vacate the home in exchange for $5,000 per month for housing — until the divorce is finalized. Billy Ray pleaded for the court to grant him a restraining order prohibiting Firerose from using his credit cards. He claimed to have discovered a series of 37 authorized charges he believed were made by Firerose.

He pointed out the charges included payments to Firerose’s divorce lawyers. Miley’s dad said he notified his credit card company of the fraudulent charges. He demanded Firerose be on the hook for any amount he was not reimbursed by American Express.

Firerose scoffed at Billy Ray’s restraining order petition. She claimed he knew she had the card. Her lawyer said, “Wife has had access, which Husband was aware of, to the American Express Credit Card before and during the marriage.” He continued, “Wife was permitted access to Husband’s American Express credit card in June of 2022 shortly after Wife moved in with Husband.”

Her lawyer said, “Wife should be able to continue to use the American Express credit card to maintain the status quo of the marriage and should be able to use the American Express credit card for her personal expenses, household expenses, and attorney’s fees without depleting her separate assets.”

The split has turned incredibly ugly in the past couple of weeks.

Ex of Miley Cyrus’ Dad Fires off Subpoenas Demanding Private Text Messages in Bitter Divorce Battle

Billy Ray said he should be granted an annulment because Firerose allegedly failed to inform him about her first husband. He claimed she only married him for his famous last name and to launch her “fledgling music career.” In response, Firerose accused Billy Ray of “domestic abuse.”

She said he had caused turmoil in the weeks leading up to a scheduled double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. Her lawyer said, “In the weeks leading up to her surgery, Husband placed Wife into an emotional and psychological prison. When Wife would attempt to voice certain concerns, Husband would often call her a ‘selfish fucking bitch’ and continually alleged that she was using him. With Wife’s major surgery date looming, she was reasonably afraid to leave or seek any type of help because she feared that Husband would interfere with her surgery or her lengthy recovery at home.”

In addition, Firerose said Billy Ray messed with her career. She said during their marriage she was represented by his manager Scott Adkins from Adkins Entertainment and Nick Meinema and Action Entertainment Collaborative as their agent.

She said the reps dropped her 11 days after Billy Ray filed for an annulment. In addition, she said several scheduled shows with Billy Ray were scrapped and she lost out on a Hallmark film. Bill Ray’s team denied the domestic abuse allegations.

His legal team said, “The allegations that [Firerose] states in her answer and counter-complaint are especially confusing and suspicious in its veracity since she begged Mr. Cyrus to forgive her and take her back only 2 days after he filed his pleadings to dissolve his marriage.” They added, “When Mr. Cyrus returned to his home 2 days after [Firerose] was required, by Court Order, to vacate his residence of over 25 years and allowed him to return, he discovered a handwritten note from [Firerose] professing her love and need to be with Mr. Cyrus.”

The reps said, “If Mr. Cyrus was truly guilty of the allegations that [Firerose] alleges in her pleadings, then it is mindboggling to try and explain why she would want to return to live with him.” This week, Billy Ray accused Firerose of physically abusing him during the marriage. A rep for Firerose told us, “[Billy Ray’s] story keeps evolving and this filing is simply another abusive tactic to distract away from the serious, true allegations brought against him and backed by an abundance of evidence.”

A hearing has been set for next month.