Laying low? Julianne Hough may be having a “glorious” time quarantining away from her husband, Brooks Laich, but it seems he’s struggling — at least when it comes to his sex drive. On the April 29 episode of his podcast “How Men Think,” he chatted with guest Stephanie Wolff, P.A., a men’s sexual health expert, and opened up about his sex life. Unfortunately for the former hockey player, his drive isn’t exactly “at its peak” while holed up in Idaho alone.

“I am freaking exhausted, and, [at the end of the day], I do not have a lot of sexual charge,” Brooks, 36, said, revealing all of his energy goes towards working on his farm for more than 10 hours a day. “I’m toast. All I’m thinking about is let me just mindlessly watch something for 30 minutes and go to bed.” Though he suspects his lack of “proximity to [his] wife” has something to do with it, he thinks it makes sense that his “sex drive wouldn’t be at its peak” as he prioritizes fixing up his property.

That doesn’t mean he’s happy about it, though. “It’s such a primal thing, sexual energy. Why is it something that we so easily cast aside?” he asked his guest. “Our states and our moods after having sex and having a connection like that are probably as pure and as beautiful and as energetic as ever in our lives. … Why do we cast aside that just kind of like this when stress or anxiety or things come, even like a yard work project? … Why do I not prioritize that, and why is it so easy for men to just, kind of, push [it] to the back burner?”

But while Brooks may be “casting aside” his sexual energy, wife Julianne, 31, is picking up at least some of the slack. On April 23, she took the opportunity to get a little flirty with her man on social media. The hockey player has been growing a quarantine beard while social distancing separately from his spouse, and, as it turns out, she’s a fan of the scruff. “That beard, tho [sic],” she commented with a heart-eyes emoji.