As disgraced former reality star Josh Duggar awaits his sentencing on May 25 in the Western District of Arkansas Federal Court after he was found guilty of one count of receiving child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography, a legal expert tells In Touch exclusively whether they think Duggar, 34, will be allowed to visit his own kids as a registered sex offender.

David Haas, former U.S. Attorney, who has also defended against child porn-related charges before, tells In Touch exclusively that Duggar will have to register as a sex offender. As such, his ability to see his kids will be restrained.

“He is able to visit with his kids, but they will likely have to be supervised,” Haas explains, adding that, “Since he will have a prison sentence, those visits are also supervised if they occur.” 

While Duggar’s upcoming sentencing will determine the outcome of his future, Haas assumes the former reality star will appeal the court’s decision. However, he says the likelihood of a successful appeal “could be difficult” because “the trial court has already heard these issues.”

Duggar is currently facing a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison on each count and up to $250,000 in fines. Although his lawyers and family members have been pleading the judge for leniency, Duggar may still be required to endure the max penalties for his charges. David tells In Touch exclusively that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines will, “in most cases,” suggest an advisory sentencing range that is lower than the maximum penalty, which in this case, is less than 40 years.

Duggar’s child pornography trial following an April 2021 Department of Homeland Security raid of his car dealership*began on November 30, 2021. Six days later, he was found guilty.

Duggar’s defense attorneys asked the court on May 11 for a combined prison sentence of five years. The prosecution is asking that the former 19 Kids and Counting star serve the maximum of 20 years behind bars for each count respectively.