OK, this should turn your Monday blues around pretty quickly. Chelsea Houska from Teen Mom 2 shared the sweetest video of her daughter Layne trying to say “mama” with her direction, and it’s the cutest thing ever. Watch the video above to let Layne help you get through this work week, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

The video begins with Layne screeching happily on a blanket, looking up at her mom. Chelsea then starts saying, “mama, mama,” in an apparent attempt to get her baby girl to repeat her. Layne never quite gets it, but props for trying, right? And she adorably smiles through the whole clip, so we’re gonna give her a pass this time.


Chelsea also shared a video of baby Layne in a high chair, with her big brother Watson standing nearby saying “Sissy,” which is equally as sweet as the “mama” video. Chelsea really does have the cutest kids ever, huh? Between her older daughter — 9-year-old Aubree Lind-Deboer — and her two little ones, she must count her blessings every day. Of course, Watson and Layne both haven’t hit the terrible twos yet, so there’s still time for them to get slightly less adorable if they do!

Chelsea shared the sweet video to her Instagram Story, so fans didn’t really have a chance to comment on it. But they always seem to enjoy the snippets the Teen Mom 2 star shares from her life on social media. For example, on Jan. 1, she shared a family photo of herself with all three of her kids, along with her husband, Cole DeBoer, and people ate it up. “Your family is so beautiful!!! 💜” one person wrote on the pic. Another said, “You guys are family goals 🙌🙌🙌.” We agree!

The older Layne gets, the closer she’ll get to being able to say “mama” and all sorts of other words. And we simply can’t wait for the video clips Chelsea may share capturing it all!