Backtracking. Chrissy Teigen apologized for an off-color tweet disregarding the value of Apple AirPods on Wednesday, November 6. The 33-year-old took to Twitter to show the error in her ways in a series of tweets.

“My mom treats her AirPods like they’re disposable,” read the model’s controversial post. “[She] buys a few a month. She says they would be easier to not lose if they had … a cord,” she wrote trying to make light of the generation gap we all can relate to when it comes to our parents and technology. Unfortunately, her joke was not well received.


“Most of your followers can’t afford medicine but this is definitely a thing you can tweet,” one user wrote, while another said, “Must be nice to be able to just throw away hundreds of dollars like that.”

Seeing that her humor fell flat, she went back to Twitter to rectify the situation. “Oh man I haven’t checked my mentions for a bit and I didn’t realize how many people were super pissed off about this. It was meant as a joke (and exaggeration) about how my mom doesn’t realize AirPods are [without] a cord [and] are headphones but it came across as super tone-deaf and icky,” the model apologized.

“I promise I will not always say the right thing in the right way, but I also promise I hate disappointing or pissing you guys off,” she continued. “I’m sorry and I will do better to not be such an asshole.”

Some fans commended Chrissy for taking responsibility writing, “You definitely don’t owe anyone an apology for what was a very funny story.” As others were still offended by her ways, she continued to go back and forth with her followers to clear the air.

“Hi Chrissy: I like you and John. I think you’re decent people. And I think you need to understand that your lives are so removed from those of most people that sometimes you will say things that strike most of us as insensitive. Not intentionally! But still,” one fan wrote, to which Chrissy replied, “Completely understand and I don’t ever forget people are struggling. All I can do is tangible things to help make a difference outside the Twitter world,” she wrote. “It definitely showed that I’m a bit removed and I will do better as best I can.”


Chrissy is known for being very vocal on social media ranging from politics to cooking. We love to see a celeb own up to their wrongdoings are try and make things right.

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