Big-bucks talent will become history at CNN as the spiraling network’s new honcho slashes budgets and takes aim at anxious anchors with oversized salaries, insiders say.

New CEO Mark Thompson is preparing ruthless cuts to remake the network as ratings plunge — leaving Anderson Cooper, Chris Wallace, Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper facing dates with the axman, a source says.

“Anderson knows he’s on the chopping block because he makes a whopping $20 million a year. He’s already started looking for a new gig!” a network insider exclusively tells In Touch. “Chris Wallace takes $8 million and figures he’s a likely target, too!”

Insiders say other network favorites — including $15 million man Blitzer and $8 million gent Tapper – are also bracing for the boot!

“Everybody knows the focus is on cutting costs,” the insider continues. “No one is safe!”

Contracts for most of the heavy hitters — including Cooper and Tapper — won’t expire until after the November election, but insiders say that after that, all bets are off!

A rep for Tapper insists talk of his ouster is false. But Thompson is known for wielding a sharp axe to get to a desired bottom line. He recently removed hosts Poppy Harlow and Phil Mattingly from CNN This Morning and consolidated all the network’s production offices to Atlanta to save dough.

Sources say he has no use for the star system and the hefty salaries that come with it. He’s reportedly seeking to replace marquee names with talent who built their audiences on social media — including former FOX and NBC anchor Megyn Kelly, who has 1.72 million subscribers on YouTube.

The network posted its lowest numbers since 2014 at the end of 2023 and also hit an all-time low with the 25-to-54 age segment coveted by advertisers.

“CNN is trying to keep up with the news landscape and become a digital-first provider,” snaps a source.

“It makes sense for them to pursue anchors who have already established a presence there — especially if TV becomes history in their portfolio!”