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Did They Really Say That? Controversial Duggar Quotes That’ll Have You Scratching Your Head

Every now and then, the Duggars will say something that’ll make you go, “Huh?” The Counting On stars have gotten themselves into plenty of hot water over the years, and fans have been shocked by some of their views.

Remember when matriarch Michelle Duggar said to always “be available” for your man? Back in 2014, she and husband Jim Bob Duggar spilled the secret to their long-lasting relationship. In a candid interview on Today, Michelle relayed the advice a friend gave her before the TLC couple’s 1984 wedding.

“She said, ‘In your marriage, there will be times you’re going to be very exhausted. Your hubby comes home after a hard day’s work, you get the baby to bed and he is going to be looking forward to that time with you. Be available,'” she famously recalled. “‘Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls.'” (In case there was any doubt, Today even explicitly specified Michelle was talking about sex).

Or how about that time Michelle admitted the family doesn’t take beach trips? In June 2012, the mother of 19 said her sons would be too tempted by girls in bikinis.

“We typically don’t go to the beach in the summertime. And in general, we don’t do a lot of swimming events where swimming suits are worn because it’s just too hard for the guys to try to keep their eyes averted in those situations.”

In fact, the large brood even has a “safe word” when coming in contact with a woman dressed inappropriately. According to the book Growing Up Duggar: It’s All About Relationships, Jinger, Jessa, Jill and Jana revealed that when they spot someone in a less-than-modest outfit, they say the word “Nike” — and the boys direct their eyes to their sneakers instead of straight ahead.

The move is used to keep any of the men in the family from being “defrauded” while out and about. And as it turns out, being careful not to defraud anyone is also where the whole skirts and dresses thing comes into play.

“We really wanted to see what the scriptures said about [modesty],” Michelle wrote in a 2013 blog post for TLC. “Our interpretation was that from the neck down to the knee should be covered. By keeping those private areas covered, there’s not any ‘defrauding’ going on.”

If you’re wondering what the word “defrauding” means, Michelle elaborated further. “My kids are taught the definition of defrauding as stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled. We don’t believe in defrauding others by the way we dress.”

Keep scrolling to see the most controversial quotes the Duggars have said over the years.

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