Dare we say he has a point? Jenelle Evans‘ husband David Eason got himself kicked off of Teen Mom 2 for his homophobic comments on social media. However, Teen Mom OG just hired Bristol Palin, who has been involved in a few controversies of her own. But now, after David called out his former employers for being “hypocritical,” his wife Jenelle came to his defense and she let everyone know that she is still very supportive of him and his views.

“And again, I will ALWAYS [sic] stand by my husband’s opinion. ~~#~~BestBelieve ~~#~~StandUpForYourself,” Jenelle tweeted on Saturday, July 21. Her message comes just one day after David slammed MTV for hiring someone who has done or said things that are similar to the ones that got him fired.

“I know MTV is comprised of hypocrites but how do you fire me and hire Bristol Palin after all her homophobic and racist remarks?” he wrote on Facebook on July 20.

david eason facebook

(Photo Credit: Facebook) 

David was fired for this bigoted statement while arguing with someone who called him a bad parent: “Why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals. Oh, I forgot, that’s supposed to be normal.” So what has Bristol said?

The daughter of Sarah Palin, who officially announced her new role on TMOG on July 20, has actually been involved in quite a few controversies over the years. From accusing a bar patron of being “a homosexual” during a fight in 2011, to criticizing Obama’s support of gay marriage in 2012, to defending Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson’s anti-gay comments in 2013, it is kind of surprising MTV would hire her.

The craziest part is that in her former reality show, her son Tripp, then just a toddler, seemingly called her a f—-t during a fight, according to HuffPo, and she just laughed. However, Bristol later disputed that her son’s censored reaction included the homophobic phrase. “As I’ve said before, I sometimes struggle to raise Tripp. However, he does NOT use slurs. On the most recent episode of Life’s a Tripp, the Huffington Post is reporting that my son said the word ‘f-gg-t.’ This is not true. Let me be clear.  I’m not proud of what he did say.  Sadly, he used a different ‘f-word.'”

She then went on to say, “I do oppose gay marriage, as I’ve written about before. I guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.” 

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