It can be hard to keep all the Duggars and their extended family members straight — after all, there’s so many of them! Now there’s one more to keep up with: Anna Duggar‘s older sister Priscilla Waller. Fans of Counting On have been captivated with her ever since she first appeared on 19 Kids and Counting. The 31-year-old mom of three — who is currently pregnant with her fourth child — is married to David Waller and together, then run DavidLovesPriscilla, a blog about their lives, families, and Christian beliefs. Watch the video below to see their adorable pregnancy announcement.

“Our goal is to advance God’s Kingdom in every way He leads,” the couple wrote in the “about us” section of their website. “So far, this has included a trip to the Philippines, Romania, Australia and numerous cities from coast to coast in the United States.” Interested in learning more about Priscilla and David’s journey? Keep reading for everything you need to know about Anna’s sister!

Who is Priscilla Waller?

Priscilla Waller is the fourth child of Mike Keller and Suzette Stembridge. Like the Duggars, Priscilla was also homeschooled growing up. In 1996, her father Mike started working full-time in ministry at a local juvenile detention center. Priscilla went on to minister in Romania, Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, and Peru, leading journeys. She also taught at the Institute of Basic Life Principles in Chicago, where she met David Waller.

How many kids does Priscilla have?

Priscilla and David are already parents to three kids, Paul, 5, Davia, 3, and 17-month-old son Phillip. Their fourth addition is set to join the family come September 2018. “We praise the Lord for the gift of life and are praying for a healthy baby and mommy and a safe timely delivery,” the couple captioned their pregnancy announcement on Instagram. “Paul and Davia are thrilled! Phillip is so happy that they are happy, but I don’t think has any idea why they are so happy.”

What is Priscilla’s family religion?

Just like the Duggars, they are fundamentalist Christians. The family uses their blog to share their beliefs along with pictures from family events like the holidays, anniversaries, and pregnancy announcements. They also document their missionary travels on the website and provide resources for daily devotionals, books, and seminars.