Deon Derrico is raising money for his newfound nephew, Amani Barkley, after he was rushed into emergency surgery earlier this month.

The TLC personality, 52, shared a GoFundMe for the son of his deceased brother, Christopher Turner, on Wednesday, July 3. Deon revealed that the family only learned about his brother’s son two years ago when Amani reached out to him and his mother, GG Derrico.

“Immediately after meeting him, we conducted a DNA test and it was determined that Amani is my brother’s child, a fact none of us, including my brother, knew,” the dad of 15 detailed. “My family and I instantly fell in love with Amani and his family. We found out that when Amani was 14 years old, he was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis disease, which led to him needing a liver transplant at the age of 21.”

After several years of “doing well” following a liver transplant, Amani recently fell sick again and was taken into the hospital for emergency surgery as his new liver was starting to fail.

“Everything seemed to be well for Amani, but soon following the surgery, the doctors told my sister-in-law Stacey (Amani’s mother and primary caregiver) that unfortunately, Amani’s liver was starting to deteriorate causing him to immediately be placed back on the donors list for another liver, only a week after the second liver transplant surgery,” the patriarch detailed. “On or around 6/15/2024, the doctors performed what would now become Amani’s 3rd and hopefully last liver transplant.”

The reality TV dad asked for donations to assist with Amani’s medical care, along with money to take care of Amani’s one-year-old son Adonis.

“Stacey, Amani’s mother took on a second job, as a means of helping out but unfortunately, she’s had to take a leave of absence from her second job,” he concluded. “As his many medical procedures required her to be at the hospital which is about an hour drive from where she lives.”

As of publication, the fundraiser had received 272 donations, raising $5,595 out of the $17,000 goal.

The news emerged one week after Deon checked in with fans following the headlines about his divorce from Karen Derrico.

“I have a PSA – public service announcement. I am doing mentally great. I really and truly am. It’s not a cover-up, it’s not a facade. I’m doing very good,” the Doubling Down with the Derricos star said in a video via Instagram on June 25. Deon continued that he was “dealing with a lot” and has “a lot going on, a lot of you guys know what I have going on, but no, I’m not suicidal.”

“Again I’m not depressed nor sad albeit I’ve been inundated with a lot of challenges here recently, but I’m emotionally very healthy, sound in my thinking, and feeling very blessed for my great health and family!!!” the TLC star wrote in the caption.

Deon’s divorce from Karen, 44, was finalized on June 6, two days after the paperwork was filed, according to TMZ.

The couple, who were married for 19 years, seemingly had a cordial split as they quickly decided to split legal and physical custody of their 13 minor children, Derrick, twins Dallas and Denver, quintuplets Deonee, Daician, Daiten, Deniko and Dariz, twins Diez and Dior, and triplets Dawsyn, De’Aren and Dyver. They also share their eldest adult child, Darian.

“Together, we remain unified in the parenting of our 14 beautiful children – their well-being is our priority,” Deon and Karen said in a joint statement shortly after news of their split went public. “We thank everyone for their understanding and support as we move forward for the good of our family.”

In addition to sharing custody, the family patriarch is required to pay $1,166 per month in child support. Meanwhile, Karen will be responsible for their children’s medical insurance.