Ouch! What does Jill Duggar think of her husband’s recent blog post? On March 20, Derick Dillard opened up about what being Christian and taking risks means to him on the family’s website. As part of the post, he talked about some of the risky things that he’s done, including going on his honeymoon while his mom was battling Stage 4 cancer. He called getting married to Jill one of the riskiest things he’s done — but he also had some advice to share about waiting for “the one.” To put it simply? Don’t.

“One myth I hear going around in the Christian millennial world is this notion of ‘the one,'” he wrote. “Young singles expect to see the clouds part and hear the hallelujah chorus when they meet their soul mate, and if that hasn’t happened, then they believe that they must continue waiting for ‘the one.’ If you carry this thinking into married life, you may even question yourself about whether you passed up ‘the one’ or should have waited a little longer because ‘the one’ was just over the horizon.”

But he says there’s no such thing as a magical perfect person out there for you. “If you’re married (to a Christian or not), ‘the one’ is always going to be who you are married to. My ‘one’ is always Jill Michelle Dillard.” The sentiment seemed sweet — but that’s when things took a turn. He continued, “If you aren’t married, don’t wait for a perfect person because you’ll just die single.” Yikes. We get what he’s trying to say, but it sounds like he’s encouraging his followers to settle — and that can’t have been fun for his wife to hear.

Though Jill promoted the blog post to her own followers on Instagram, some of her fans didn’t see his writing as such a sweet thing to say. “I hope Derick tells/shows his love for you and treats you like a princess,” wrote one. “It sounds like from this writing you’re not the love of his life, but an adequate choice of spouse.” Another continued, “Did … did your husband basically say he settled?” Jill has made it clear (on many, many occasions) that she thinks Derick is the #besthubbyever. Let’s just hope he thinks the same of her.