Viewers first met Little People, Big World stars Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff back in 2006 on their humble farm in Oregon as the series chronicled the lives of the six-member Roloff family. However, no one expected the pair to get divorced midway through their reality show. The 2015 split shocked fans, and almost instantaneously, rumors of infidelity abounded. Keep scrolling to find out everything we know about whether Matt cheated on Amy during their marriage. 

The Couple Shared Differing Views on Commitment 

Prior to their divorce, the pair hinted at their differing views on commitment in their 2007 book, Little People, Big Values. “Amy puts commitment at or near the top of her list, I would put it further down,” Matt wrote. “Amy tends to be more of a committed-to-a-fault kind of person, while I see most commitments — with some very notable exceptions — as flexible and negotiable.”

amy and matt roloff

The question is, of course, whether his 28-year marriage was one of those “flexible and negotiable” commitments or one of the “exceptions.” Viewers of the long-running series have wondered whether Matt cheated on Amy with Caryn Chandler, his current girlfriend, considering Caryn worked as the Roloff Farms manager before she and Matt started dating. 

Their Divorce Statement Shared No Clues

At the time of their divorce, the former reality TV couple gave no clues to the demise of their relationship and only laid out the shared goal of staying cordial for their children and many businesses. 

“After 27 years of marriage, it is with great sadness that we have come to the difficult decision to file for divorce,” the statement read in June 2015. “We are proud of what we have accomplished together, including raising our four wonderful children, who have grown to become remarkable adults, and building our strong and ongoing successful businesses. Our kids and our ever-growing family, and the love and support we have for them, will be our priority. We will continue to work together side-by-side in the daily responsibilities for our many current ventures.”

Did Matt Roloff Cheat On Amy Roloff?

In June 2019, Amy opened up about the divorce in her memoir, A Little Me and alleged that Matt was involved with Caryn while they were still married.

“Matt was spending more and more time at the tavern he often frequented in the evenings after filming and working on the farm, and our farm manager seemed to be around more and more often as well. What, if anything, was going on?” Amy described in her book. 

“Then it dawned on me. Matt and our farm manager, who had been working for us a number of years by then, seemed to have more than just a working relationship or friendship,” the mom of four continued. “I saw messages, pictures, and other things that should not have been shared between people who just worked together and were still married to other people.”

A few months prior, the TLC personality also discussed her suspicions of her former partner’s fidelity with her friend, Lisa Dixon. 

“I think when you start looking before you’re separated in marriage, that is hard,” Amy described in March 2019. “When you become involved or much more than just a friend, but you become more in a relationship than just say ‘Hey, hi friend, lets go out for coffees’ type of thing, I think that can be hard on the other person as well.”

Matt Roloff Denies the Cheating Allegations

In July 2019, Matt seemingly denied cheating on Amy with Caryn in a response to a viewer’s accusation that his girlfriend had been dating him since “he was still married to Amy and she’s there for the money.”

“You couldn’t be further [from] the truth,” the father of four replied in an Instagram comment.

Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff Have Moved On

While Matt has stayed strong in his relationship with the former Roloff Farms manager, Amy found happiness once again and got engaged to real estate agent, Chris Marek in September 2019. They later tied the knot in a ceremony on Roloff Farms in August 2021. 


From navigating family birthday parties to Matt and Caryn even hosting Chris and Amy in their shared Arizona home, the former flames and their respective partners have come a long way and have even managed to achieve a friendship.