Three years after the infamous feud between The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s sisters Caroline and Dina Manzo, In Touch can reveal it’s finally over.

In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Dina reveals she and Caroline are “totally fine,” adding that anger has been replaced by civility, if not warm and fuzzy friendship. “When we see each other, we kiss each other hello,” Dina tells the mag. “We just don’t hang out for Sunday dinner, that’s all.”

And now that the sting has worn off, Dina says she recently spent quality time with Caroline and her newly engaged daughter, Lauren. “I will be at Lauren’s wedding,” Dina tells In Touch. “If Caroline needed me and called me tomorrow, I would be there. I love my sister. I will always love her.”

For more, pick up the latest issue of In Touch, on newsstands now.