The Duggar-Dillard clan is just like us: they go to the supermarket, they wave to the mailman AND THEY GO TO CHUCK E. CHEESE FOR GUYS NIGHT??!?! Derick Dillard’s recent post on his family blog from Wednesday, August 21, explained how to keep the spark alive in your marriage, and it got a lot of attention for his choice in recreation. Derick alleged that he frequents the family-friendly themed restaurant sans family. Are we the only ones who find this odd?!

In the post, Derick added that he knows various factors could get in the way of your love life. For him, it’s wild evenings at the kid-friendly establishment. “Although I do realize that sometimes things may change slightly due to life changes (e.g. kids, work schedules, Chuck E. Cheese nights with the guys, etc.), one thing I think we need to recognize is that the flame in your marriage doesn’t have to die out!”


Although we appreciate the Counting On star’s insight on romance, we can’t get passed that his guy time is spent with a fuzzy cartoon rat. There is a slight possibility that when he refers to “the guys,” he could mean his two sons that he shares with wife, Jill Duggar, and not grown men. Nevertheless, it sounds like he really enjoys the establishment. Does he go for the pizza? Does it remind him of his youth? Or does he secretly love a ball pit!?! Of course, it’s always possible that he was kidding, but we will definitely be sliding into his DM’s for answers, that’s for sure.

Derick’s odd choice of recreation isn’t the first time his blog left us scratching our heads. Back in March, he advised people to stop waiting for that one special love and to just settle. “One myth I hear going around in the Christian millennial world is this notion of ‘the one,’” he wrote. “If you aren’t married, don’t wait for a perfect person because you’ll just die single,” he added. Well, thanks for the advice? He definitely has a way with words just like his taste in quality food and entertainment.