Jamie Jungers was reportedly knocking on death’s door when Dog the Bounty Hunter rescued her during a midnight raid in Las Vegas earlier this week. According to Radar Online, Tiger Woods‘ former mistress skipped bail and was “exchanging drugs for sex” with a group of high-profile “business executives” when she was caught.

“She was 88 pounds when we got her and the handcuffs wouldn’t even go on her wrists because they were so skinny. She was going to die in the next few weeks,” Dog — whose real name is Duane Lee Chapman — told the outlet. “These guys were holding her in a house where she was giving sexual favors for drugs.”

Jamie, 35, was using heroin and speed, the former reality star claimed, while being passed around from man to man. “She told me she was trading drugs for sex with guys at four or five houses,” he said, before adding, “One was a top investigator for one of the biggest insurance companies in the US. Another guy was in construction.”

Tiger Woods Ex Jamie Jungers Photo
Getty Images

LAS VEGAS: Photo of Tiger’s alleged mistress, Jamie Jungers, at Pure Nightclub on Feb. 13, 2010. (Photo by David Becker/Getty Images)

After revealing her 18-month affair with the PGA pro, Jamie received a hefty $125,000 payment before becoming addicted to drugs and entering rehab. Unfortunately, her sobriety didn’t last, and now she reportedly blames Tiger for her current situation.

“She said all these dirty mother—s wanted to f—k me just because I had f— Tiger Woods, and before I knew it all these people were coming into my life because of drugs and I’m a f—g junkie now and I hate it,” Dog said.

As the top fugitive collector in the United States, Dog has captured thousands of people on the run. In 2014, the exact number was 6,000 — and we know that number has only skyrocketed since.

Jamie is currently being held in county jail on charges of drug possession and being a fugitive.