Well, folks. Just when I thought I've heard and seen it all, I found out Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth had an "Official Pickle Cutter" at their wedding.


Duggar family friend, Krista — aka Kris — took to Instagram last June to share a snap holding an industrial-sized jar of dills and wrote, "I felt like I smelled like pickles for days after I was the official pickle cutter at Joy and Austin's wedding a few weeks ago." She added, "But seriously, I LOVE being behind the scenes at weddings and watch everything come together. This wedding was absolutely beautiful: gorgeous bride, beautiful decorations, delicious cake, lots of great friends, and a few surprises ? It's always fun to watch the episodes to see what they included and how they framed everything. I'll be away on a business trip so I won't be able to watch. But y'all should tune in to TLC tomorrow and enjoy the show!" I'm not sure what the winking smiley face next to "surprises" means, but quite frankly, I'm not sure I want to.


The Duggars have long been obsessed with the crunchy cuc, ever since Michelle was pregnant with her first child. During a 2016 episode of Counting On, Jessa revealed, "The Duggars love pickles. I think it probably started that when my mom is pregnant she craves pickles, that is the one thing. Every time we see her eating pickles we say 'Are you pregnant?'"

So basically, Michelle is eating pickles 24/7. Understood.

In fact, the fam is so into the treat that they record every new Duggar's first experience. Most recently, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard's 10-month-old son Samuel noshed on a pickle, although his reaction was less than impressive. In fact, he barely reacted at all.

Recently, former bride Joy-Anna once elaborated on their tradition. "Any time a family member tries a pickle for the first time, we always go around and take videos and pictures and everyone comes around to watch their facial expression." What a fun bunch, huh?

We just have two questions for Krista — what's the hourly rate, and can I add this to my LinkedIn? Asking for a friend.

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