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The Duggars Are Literally Ready to Go to War as Fans Criticize Their Support of Donald Trump

Gearing up for battle. The boys of the Duggar family participated in a three-day Courageous Men of Word camp (organized by Fort Rock Family Camp) over the weekend, where they learned how to shoot a bow-and-arrow, a handgun, and and a shotgun.

The Counting On clan took to their official Facebook page on Saturday, Aug. 12, to share photos from their time at the Combs, AR, facility. Their mini-vacation (and lesson in weaponry) came not long after white supremacists — many of whom support President Donald Trump — displayed violent behavior during a heated Charlottesville, VA, protest against the nationwide effort to remove statues of Confederate leaders.

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As fans are well aware, the Duggar family previously expressed their support for Trump, 70, during last year’s presidential election. The president recently gave a statement about what occurred in Charlottesville, stating that “both sides” — the neo-Nazis who initiated the protest and their opposers, whom he branded the “alt-left” — were to blame for the chaos.

In the latest post on Duggar family Facebook, matriarch Michelle Duggar wrote about the violence in Charlottesville and how it relates to her Christian faith. “Over the past few days, I have been pondering on the importance of continually growing our love for God,” she wrote. “The Bible says in Matthew 24:12 ‘And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.’ Jesus was speaking about the end of days and how the love of many will grow cold for the things of God. I never want my love for Jesus to grow cold!”

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(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Though she seemingly isn’t pleased with what took place in Charlottesville, fans are pointing fingers at the Duggars for endorsing Trump, given his questionable stance about race and equality in the United States.

“Please focus on the world now,” one fan commented. “Please denounce racism and hatred. Jesus focused on the world and made it better everyday. As a family that many admire, you can do the Lord’s work by speaking out about hate.”

Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard (who, as you may recall, recently launched into a transphobic Twitter attack on teen reality star and trans advocate Jazz Jennings) did denounce the racist acts that took place in Charlottesville, but didn’t mention anything about Trump.

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“It’s deplorable what’s happened in Virginia this [weekend]. Praying [for] those affected by these unacceptable violent acts of hatred. Racism is evil!” he tweeted, to which an angry fan clapped back, “If you’re being sincere, then you need to think twice about your support of Donald Trump.”

To freshen up on all the Duggar engagements and courtships, click through the gallery below!