Don’t let Eminem fool you. The rapper who is known for usually keeping it real is actually a very very good actor!

Exhibit A? His bizarre behavior when he appeared on ESPN in September, promoting his first single, “Berzerk.” While the 41 year old’s odd and spaced-out behavior prompted fans to question his mental health or drug use—but in a new interview with Rolling Stone, he revealed that he was actually just acting!

“I knew we were about to show the ‘Berzerk’ video, so I was doing what I call the Berzerk face,” he explained to the music mag. “The whole song to me feels like vintage Beastie Boys. And you knjow the ‘Pass the Mic’ video where Ad-Rock is making that face, kind of not looking at the camera? I was doing my own version."

If that’s the case—Em was really committed to his character! At the time, he said that “live TV freaks [him] out,” when he finally snapped out of the trance.

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When one of the anchors—Brent Musburger—told Eminem that he was “a legend,” Eminem responded with, “I’m really uncomfortable right now.”

While Em still seems to be incredibly humble, his Rolling Stone interview shows a—dare we say—lighter side of the rapper.

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“I’m as happy as I can be, I guess,” he said. “Hip hop saved my life, man. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been even decent at. I don’t know how to do anything else. I think they have a word for that—what do they call it? Idiot savant.”