The Sister Wives family lives in the 'burbs of Las Vegas, but the stars of Three Wives, One Husband have literally carved out a secluded existence for themselves. The fundamentalist Mormon families on TLC's new docu-series live in a Utah cliff that's been blasted with dynamite to make the caves they call home. Here's what we know about Enoch Foster and his family, the largest clan featured on the show, which just debuted on March 11.

Enoch and his family live at "the Rock"

In this case, "the Rock" isn't Alcatraz or even Dwayne Johnson — it's Rockland Ranch, a community built into a 500-foot sandstone cliff near Canyonlands National Park, not far from Moab, UT. Enoch's father, Robert Dean Foster, founded the community in the late 1970s to create a safe haven for families practicing plural marriage, according to The Atlantic.

The homes are constructed within holes made from dynamite blasts; and they're equipped with running water, electricity, and Internet access. They also have stockpiles of canned and pickled food in preparation for the "end of days," as Radio Times reports.

His family is rapidly expanding

Enoch married Catrina first, and eight years later, Catrina decided he should marry someone else, too. "I fell so deeply in love with Enoch and I felt like being married to a man who had so much love to give, I find myself wanting to give someone else the opportunity to share in that," she says on the show.

So then Enoch started courting Lillian, who became his second wife. "One day Catrina said, 'I feel like Lillian is part of me, part of you, part of our family,'" he recalls.

Lillian gives birth to Enoch's 17th child on camera, and we also witness Enoch courting a third-wife: nanny Lydia-Rose. "You already know what kind of father he would be, what kind of a husband," Lydia-Rose says of joining his plural marriage.

The show might just normalize plural relationships

Three Wives, One Husband executive producer Will Anderson says the show has given him a new appreciation for polygamy — and it has the potential to do the same for viewers. "The preconception we wanted to change was that people thought they were going to be a bunch of religious weirdos living in caves when actually they're active and capable members of society who organize themselves incredibly efficiently and, I think, much better perhaps than we do," he tells Stuff. "They spend a lot of their time working on their relationships and they really, really invest in them."