In the wake of Jeffrey Epstein’s death, everyday Americans are wondering how he could become the criminal he did — and, even more so, how he got away with it for so long. In “Epstein: Devil in the Darkness,” the new podcast investigates exactly what happened in real-time. In episode 1, the hosts tackle the issue of his origin story, detailing just how he became the “monster” we saw in the media. The show will talk to Epstein’s “coconspirators, colleagues and victims” as they explore his “unspeakable crimes.”

They start, of course, at the beginning, discussing how he grew up as a smart, popular kid who excelled at school both in the classroom and out of it. It wasn’t until the late inmate got to college that things started to go wrong. “It’s something of a mystery as to why he dropped out,” journalist Melissa Cronin shares with the pod. “Even his close friends seem mystified by it.” Despite that, though, Epstein still landed a job as a teacher before moving into finance. Soon, he even had his own plane nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”

Though he was charming, people occasionally caught on to his cruel streak. A man named Jesse Kornbluth, one of Epstein’s colleagues and former friends, tells a particularly chilling story about how his wife turned the man down — and the financier sought revenge. “He wanted to have my persona, my identity,” Kornbluth says. “It sounds crazy, but I think it’s valid.”

Devil in the Darkness Jeffrey Epstein Origins

Epstein also earned himself the nickname “the pedophile” before his crimes ever came to light. “We used to pick up these young girls,” one of his chauffeurs revealed anonymously. “It was a joke. It was, ‘Yeah, we’re going to pick up the pedophile.’ … But I don’t think we really believed that’s what was happening.”

The podcast sheds light on all the dark details in Epstein’s life, from who helped him commit his crimes to who turned a blind eye. Powerful figures will be caught up in the investigation as those who knew the financier speak both on the record and anonymously.

“Epstein: Devil In Darkness” is produced by the creators of Fatal Voyage: The Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood, which earned over 10 million unique downloads and more than 50 million media impressions worldwide as one of the most downloaded podcast series of 2018. The series was also named to Apple Podcasts’ Most Downloaded New Shows of 2018 and received a 2019 Webby Best Series honoree nod from the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. You may have seen the series featured on national television programs including Dr. Phil and The Today Show

Epstein: Devil In Darkness releases new episodes every Thursday.