We always knew that Farrah Abraham bought into her own BS, but we didn’t realize it was that bad. Apparently, though, she’s just as delusional as some of her former Teen Mom co-stars claim. Because when asked who should play her in a movie about her life, Farrah shared that she thinks Selena Gomez would be perfect for the role. And like, huh?

That isn’t just one of those hypothetical interview questions, BTW. Farrah really is working on a movie to tell her story. “[We’re] finishing the first round of the script and they have brought in more screenwriters,” she told Hollywood Life. “I think Selena Gomez would play me great and I am excited to start casting once the package is ready to go!”

a gif of selena gomez looking suspicious

Photo Credit: GIPHY

Just for the record, uh, she knows they don’t exactly look all that much alike, right? Like, hardly even at all other than the fact that they both naturally have tan skin and dark hair? That’s kind of where the similarities end. But don’t even get us started on the fact that Farrah wants her life story to be a big-screen movie and not just an MTV special — assuming the channel even wanted to ever work with her again after she was “fake” fired from Teen Mom. 

That distaste is mutual, though. “I’m tired of my name being associated with Teen Mom,” the reality star said. “My brand is bigger than Teen Mom and I have moved on.” And hey, maybe she is better suited for the big screen. She could even play herself if Selena somehow passes on this extremely tempting offer. After all, she’s already acted in movies like Axeman 2: Overkill. What, you haven’t heard of it? Don’t worry — neither has pretty much anyone else. Still, you never know. Farrah could be the next great talent to hit the silver screen. We smell Oscars in this teen mom’s future, so Selena might want to get in now while Farrah’s movie is still just getting started.