At least she’s being honest. Frances Bean Cobain recently went on RuPaul’s podcast “What’s The Tee” and talked about life growing up with Courtney Love as her mom. She noted that while her mother is a beautiful and kind person when she’s on a “healthy path,” she is also “highly self-destructive.” Still, Frances wants to love and support her, and wants their relationship “to be based on open communication and love and truth.” The 26-year-old also admitted that she was “so f–king bitter and angry and upset and resentful for a really long time” with Courtney, 54, so don’t think she magically came to this conclusion overnight or anything.

“I had a transformative shift in thinking,” Frances told RuPaul, 58. “When bad stuff happens, as opposed to thinking, ‘why is this happening to me?’ I started to think, ‘what is this trying to teach me?'” That’s extremely astute, and a way of thinking that a lot of people should probably give a chance.

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Frances said that her mom is a “really good person,” despite their rocky history. She also said that she had a bad month last month — presumably in January — in which her dog died, she went through a breakup, and had to move. But the daughter of rocker Kurt Cobain — who passed away in 1994 — and the Hole frontwoman tried to remind herself that there was a bigger lesson she could be learning from the experiences.

Speaking of things she had to learn, Frances also talked about how she went through different things than her peers growing up. “Some kids were like, ‘f–k I didn’t do my essay,’ and I’d be like, ‘f–k I had to call the paramedics to get my mom’s stomach pumped last night’ … just a different set of priorities.” Uh, yeah. We can understand why it might have taken her a while to not be upset with her mom with memories like that. Thankfully, it sounds like they’re in a better place now.



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