Some may say we’re living in the golden age of TV — and despite the endless options when it comes to new shows, both on air and streaming, we constantly find ourselves going back and watching our favorite series, with Friends being at the very top of the list!

Still, no matter how many times we’ve watched the series, it still feels like we’re seeing something new during every re-watch — whether it’s recognizing a new guest star we didn’t realize was in the series, or laughing at a joke we missed the first 129,984,721 times we watched! And despite the fact that we watched the show more times than we can count, we still missed this goof in the finale! Check out the video above to see it for yourself!

Perhaps every time we find ourselves watching The Last One (parts 1 and 2!), we’re too busy crying to notice any continuity errors! And if you think it’s emotional to watch, you can only how gut-wrenching it was to film!

In a 2004 interview with Oprah, Jennifer Aniston confessed, “I don’t think we’ve ever taken more time in hair and makeup in between scenes. Also, the fact that we kept crying all our makeup off, over and over again.” In the same interview, David Schwimmer admitted that he was constantly on the verge of “losing it.”

friends getty images

According to Matt LeBlanc, it was Lisa Kudrow that broke first. “I looked at Jen and Courteney [Cox], and they were visibly upset. And then I looked Schwimmer, who is kind of a rock emotionally. He’s really the consummate professional. He’s great. And David was visibly really upset,” Joey Matt explained. “And I just lost it.”


And while it was hard for the stars to let go of the show, it’s clear the show has had a profound effect on fans — not only people who watched the show in the ‘90s, but also new fans who have discovered it through syndication and streaming services. When asked about the sitcom’s legacy, co-creator Marta Kauffman gushed to the Chicago Tribune about what she considers to be the show’s most important accomplishment. “I think for me personally, the greatest part of it is that people still get joy from it. It makes them happy. It makes them smile, it makes them laugh, it makes them care,” she said. “And I certainly still get a great deal of joy from the memory of doing it.”

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