It turns out that Ami Brown isn’t the only member of the Alaskan Bush People family who’s been dealing with some health concerns. Recently, Gabe Brown was also struggling with a pretty serious condition that left him bedridden — and worse, isolated from his family. If you watched the last season of the Discovery Channel show, you know how difficult that must’ve been for the reality star. 

When Ami Brown was diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment, her son Gabe took it particularly hard. So much so, that he even declined to be filmed for a good chunk of the season, staying away from the cameras as he managed his grief. Over the summer, though, he had to stay away from his family, too, especially beloved mom Ami, because of a streptococcal virus diagnosis. More commonly known as strep throat, the illness can get pretty serious if left untreated, and Gabe had it bad. 

“I was down for a while,” the ABP star told Radar. “I was bedridden for weeks… I could barely make it ten feet without having to lie back down and there was a point where I thought that I might be like that forever!” We’re sure it didn’t help that his diagnosis meant that he couldn’t be around Ami, whose immune system is weakened by her cancer and treatments. After all, when you’re sick, there’s pretty much nothing you want more than for your mom to take care of you. And when your mom is sick, you just want to take care of her. 

Luckily, Gabe is back on the road to recovery. He’s even starting to work out again, something he missed being able to do while he was sick. “Thank God that things heal and you get better,” the reality star continued. “I think I lost a lot of my physique, but I am sure that living on the new property will help me get a lot of that back. There is so much hard work to do on the property that it has helped me get strong again.”