Things aren’t looking good for Casey Anthony‘s parents, George and Cindy, in their foreclosure legal battle. After securing a minor victory back in February, the couple has now taken a step back. According to court documents obtained by Radar Online, the famous parents filed an “objection and opposition to the Plaintiff’s motion to substitute party Plaintiff and amend case,” meaning they were asking a judge to stop U.S. Bank National Associate from substituting Nationstar Mortgage LLC as the plaintiff with themselves. It’s likely that the bank may have taken over the debt from the mortgage company, which is what lead to them suing the Anthonys. On March 12, however, the judge ruled in favor of the bank.

According to the site, the legal trouble started when the couple stopped paying the mortgage on their Orlando, Florida home in 2017. They currently owe $130,000, and though they tried to mediate with the bank, the case eventually went to trial. Their court date is set for August 10, but there have already been some motions presented by either side. In February, the Anthonys fought to release their video depositions with the bank arguing that they shouldn’t be made public. Though it wasn’t a total win, a judge ordered that the tapes would be kept confidential for now — but not forever.

“The Court, being duly advised in the premises and having heard arguments of counsel, finds that Plaintiff [U.S. Bank National Associate] has failed to show good cause for a prospective and indefinite prohibition against the dissemination of videotaped testimony in this matter, but has shown sufficient good cause for a prohibition against the dissemination of videotaped testimony during the pendency of this matter,” said court documents obtained by Radar. However, the Anthonys were permitted to share details of the actual depositions.

“[The ruling] does not restrict the dissemination of the information gleaned during the course of the videotaped depositions, or the dissemination of the written transcripts of such depositions, but only limits the dissemination of the videotaped deposition testimony footage itself.” But when it comes to the overall case, well, George and Cindy are clearly in for a heck of a fight.