Giuliana Rancic’s summer was particularly cruel. In June, the E! headliner, 40, and her husband, Bill, 43, learned that the beloved surrogate who was bearing their second child — and who gave birth to their son, Duke, 2 — had suffered a miscarriage. In September, her Fashion Police pal Joan Rivers died. In Touch’s Sophie Forbes caught up with Giuliana in LA to talk about life without Joan, trying for another baby and why the “terrible twos” aren’t actually so terrible after all.

Duke just turned 2. How’s he doing?

GR: He’s great. He’s a very loving and generous kid. He loves to share.

Any terrible twos moments yet?

GR: I don’t look at the terrible twos the way some people do. Yes, they have tantrums and stick their fingers where they don’t belong — but I think that’s tenacity and exploration. I just try to be patient.

What are your favorite things to do together?

GR: I love seeing Duke first thing in the morning. He’s so cute with his messy hair and little baby smell.

Any recent milestones?

GR: He can count to 10! Eleven to 20 is fuzzy, but he tries. He talks in sentences. Before, it was, “Book.” Now it’s, “Mama, I want book.”

giuliana and duke

You’ve experienced so much with your surrogate, Delphine. In light of her miscarriage, what does the future hold?

GR: Delphine had great pregnancies with her two sons and she had an amazing pregnancy with Duke. When she’s ready [to try again], we’re 100 percent ready.

Do you think it will happen soon?

GR: Honestly, we are very busy right now with Duke and work. We’d like to wait until things slow down a bit, but if Delphine is willing to do it this year, that’s great.

How many kids are you aiming for?

GR: We go back and forth. Sometimes we think, One and done, but then every day gets more fun with Duke. I’d love a big family.

Would you ever adopt?

GR: Absolutely! We’re not looking at it now, but if one day we’re settled in the suburbs of Chicago, why not have a bunch of happy kids running around having a great life?

New parents are known to schedule “date nights.” Do you and Bill?

GR: Yes, but that doesn’t mean going out to a fancy dinner. The other night we had some kabobs, rice and wine and talked about our lives. To us, that’s a date night!