Either Gwyneth Paltrow is going to save the world or she's completely full of it.

The movie star and founder and CEO of Goop is causing eyebrows to raise once again with her latest "advancement" in health. In Touch can confirm the 44-year-old is now claiming that body stickers can (wait for it!) have healing powers on the human body. According to the website, people need to slap on a Body Vibes sticker — just $120 for a 24-pack! — to “rebalance the energy frequency in our bodies.” The company claims that the stickers are made out of "the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits so they can monitor an astronaut's vitals."

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Except there's one small flaw in this theory: NASA does not use conductive carbon material in their space suits according to a rep from their spacewalk office. When asked about the stickers, Mark Shelhamer, former chief scientist at NASA’S human research division, exclusively told In Touch, "Wow. What a load of b.s. this is."

Despite the fact that scientists find a problem with this method of healing, Goop continues to promote the stickers as a viable health option. Body Vibes did remove the NASA reference after receiving backlash, but Goop currently has a headline on the website which reads: "Wearable Stickers that Promote Healing (Really!)"

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"Human bodies operate at an ideal energetic frequency, but everyday stresses and anxiety can throw off our internal balance, depleting our energy reserves and weakening our immune systems," the website explains. "Body Vibes stickers come pre-programmed to an ideal frequency, allowing them to target imbalances. While you’re wearing them — close to your heart, on your left shoulder or arm — they’ll fill in the deficiencies in your reserves, creating a calming effect, smoothing out both physical tension and anxiety. The founders, both aestheticians, also say they help clear skin by reducing inflammation and boosting cell turnover."


Now, we're not doctors but something about these stickers just isn't adding up.

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