She still misses her Mema so much. Amy Duggar King shared some memories of her Grandma Mary on Instagram on August 5, and revealed that her grandmother actually knew the name of the baby boy Amy is expecting with her husband, Dillon King, before she ever announced it to her fans and followers. “I remember countless conversations in this house … G’mas house … on these steps …” Amy, 32, began the caption on a photo of herself sitting on a staircase. “Not one day has gone by that I don’t miss her. I wish I could call her, get her opinion on things, go get ice cream and spend the day together … She loved the name Dax Ryan and she was so excited about our little guy.”

Amy continued, “Maybe I’m just an emotional basket case right now (hello hormones) but … I miss her a little extra today. I miss everything and it’s so hard to believe that she’s gone. I know she’s in a much better place but still so hard to believe that she’s no longer with us. Hug your loved ones close. I mean very close. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.” She then wrote a little bit about gun violence in the United States and concluded her post, “We must remember this world is not our permanent home.”

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I remember countless conversations in this house… G'mas house.. on these steps.. and not one day has gone by that I don't miss her. I wish I could call her, get her opinion on things , go get icecream and spend the day together..she loved the name Dax Ryan and she was so excited about our little guy. Maybe I'm just an emotional basket case right now ( hello hormones) but… I miss her a little extra today.. I miss everything and it's so hard to believe that she's gone.. I know she's in a much better place but still so hard to believe that she's no longer with us. Hug your loved ones close. I mean very close. Tommorrow isn't promised to anyone. I don't want this post to become a political debate about gun control but I will just say that mental illness is such a disease. This world is sad, and something must be done. I'm praying for all the families and friends affected by the mass shootings. They are heavy on my heart today as well. Take a minute and say a prayer for them. We cannot live in fear of going to the grocery store or going out on a friday night but we must remember this world is not our permanent home.

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Grandma Mary died suddenly on June 9. Later, the Duggar family confirmed that she passed away from accidental drowning. When she passed, Amy wrote on Instagram, “It breaks my heart to write this. My best friend passed away yesterday afternoon. Jesus sure took home a treasure. I’m at a loss for words, shaking as I even type this out. I loved her so much. She helped raise me, we did everything together.”

She added, “We’ve been on countless trips, we had lunch together 3 times a week, and if we weren’t together we were either texting or calling each other. She was so supportive and was so excited to meet our little guy. I just can’t believe she is really gone … thank you for the kind messages and every prayer lifted up for our family and I during this difficult time. My heart just hurts and my life will never be the same. Mema you will always be so precious to me and you were such a light who impacted so many lives. You lived joyously, and beautifully … and I will miss you every single day. I know though you are in perfect peace and we will see you again.”

Amy also told a follower in late July that when it comes to grieving her beloved grandma during her pregnancy, “It has been one of the hardest seasons, and I think about her every single day! She taught me so much … I’m thankful for this little life and all the fun we are going to have!” We’re sure little Daxton Ryan is going to know all about his great-grandma.