Hulk Hogan is eager for his son, Nick, to be released from jail on October 21 and hopes that his family — including daughter Brooke and estranged wife Linda — will unite in support. “I don’t think there’s any reason why we shouldn’t all be friends,” Hulk, whose marriage to Linda fell apart in 2007, tells In Touch. “But other people feel differently.” Nick, 18, was locked up on May 9 for his involvement in a car accident that permanently injured his friend John Graziano. He’s getting out three months early, thanks to credits for good behavior. “Nick is [holding himself] accountable … He has this whole new vibe about helping people,” his dad says. “He should be free to follow his heart.” As he awaits Nick’s homecoming, Hulk is keeping busy with his new show, Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling, which premieres on October 18 on CMT. “I know Nick wants something good to eat,” Hulk tells In Touch. “And he said he wants a really, really long shower.”

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