This year is shaping up to be quite a big one for “Human Ken Doll” Rodrigo Alves! The UK sensation took to the streets of London earlier this this summer after a two-day whirlwind plastic surgery trip, which cost him upwards of £50,000, or about $65,000. With his BFF Selina Waterman-Smith in toe — along with his Gucci suitcases — he proudly flaunted his new enhancements, which included removing a scar on his abdomen, a “vampire facelift,” and teeth whitening.

Rodrigo recently revealed that he actually has even more plastic surgery plans. In the future, he’d like to eventually transition into a woman à la Caitlyn Jenner. “I am very happy to be a man for now, but I don’t want to be an old saggy man,” he told the Daily Mail. “I will do what Caitlyn Jenner did. When I reach my late 50s, I would rather be a sexy old lady than a saggy old man.” Learn more in the video below!

Earlier this year, the 33-year-old sat down for an exclusive interview with In Touch and opened up about his infamous plastic surgeries, his plans for the year, and that time is nose nearly fell off! Yes — seriously. Keep reading to see what Rodrigo has to say about his haters — and to check out incredible before-and-after pictures!

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Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo’s before (left) and after (after).

In Touch: Can you tell us about your upcoming projects? What can we expect from you in 2017?

Rodrigo: I feel good, I look great, I’m confident and truly happy, and I have decided now to work on my own brand of male grooming and evening party wear also I am working on my own documentary where I travel to various cities to explore the culture of plastic surgery… My next destination is Bucharest where I will be having a face lift and an eye lift.

Even though I have more plastic surgeries and cosmetics procedures booked in 2017 and two TV shows based on body image and plastic surgery, now it is time for me to show a different side of my life — where I live, my lifestyle, my fashion sense and give a bit of myself to society and educating those considering to have plastic surgeries from my own experiences. I am also working on an autobiography, and it should be out in November. I have two TV showings coming out in the UK, one TV show in Spain, and my new big TV show called Plastics of Hollywood — which is promised to be a big hit with a fab cast!

In Touch: Why did you decide to get the surgeries in the first place?

Rodrigo: I was the fat and ugly boy [with] a big, wide nose and excluded from society since — due to a genetic issue — my body doesn’t change with [exercise], and plastic surgery was the only solution. Today I am happy, popular, and much loved because I have learned how to love myself. Also, I am also [able] to express myself with fashion, where before I could not even wear a blazer because it would not fit me. Now everything fits me like a glove!

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Rodrigo before the surgeries. (Photo Credit: Rodrigo Alves)

In Touch: What do you think of the “Human Ken” nickname?

Rodrigo: It was never my intention to look like a Ken Doll, but due to my style and my artificial looks I was crowned with the nickname in the UK, where I live and this nickname has inspired other people to realize that in life, we have the power to do and to be anything that we want regardless if there is plastic surgery involved. If I can be what I want with willpower, anyone else can.

In Touch: What has been your favorite surgery?

Rodrigo: The best surgery was my fake six pack and hair implants.

In Touch: Is there anything you regret?

Rodrigo: I had my nose done seven times because I kept encountering complications and I am researching for a plastic surgeon who can fix my breathing. I regret having my nose done when I did 10 years ago — I wish that I had it done with a very good doctor at the time.

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Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo’s nose surgery.

In Touch: Is there anything you still want?

Rodrigo: Yes; next week I am having a facelift and an eye lift, in February I am having a CO2 skin resurfacing with Dr. Simoni LA, also I would like to sculpt my body for the summer. In March, I’m getting a eye color change procedure.

In Touch: What do you have to say to the haters?

Rodrigo: Haters, you should get a life and look at yourself in the mirror and have a reality check about your life before judging mine! I am very happy and content.

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Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo’s before (right) and after (left).

In Touch: What advice would you give to someone considering cosmetic surgery?

Rodrigo: I do that every day and first I always say before considering plastic surgery, do research on what you would like to have, then visit at least three different doctors; what makes a good doctor is experience and practice makes it perfect — don’t go for adverts or doctors that are on reality TV shows! And always speak to you parents and significant other and having the support from the beloved ones is vital.