Fans of Counting On can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that Jana Duggar doesn't have a man in her life. She just turned 28 years old, and by Duggar standards, she should already be pregnant by now. Her younger sisters, Jill Dillard, Jessa Seewald, Jinger Vuolo, and Joy-Anna Forsyth are all married with kids or expecting at the moment. It's making people wonder why Jana is still living the single life, with some even deeming her 'Cinderella Duggar.' The uproar started after a photo was posted by the Duggar family from their trip to Australia and New Zealand.

One fan wrote, "My husband and I (and our youngest) were fortunate to meet with some of the Duggar family on their Australian trip. My husband remarked at how stunning Jana is (totally obvious to all!) and was surprised to hear she doesn't have a man in her life, when so many of her younger sisters are married. I told him she's just waiting for the right man, the one God has for her. God is faithful."

Another added, "Jana is so beautiful, where is that man GOD has got for her?" While Jana has been linked to a slew of guys, including former NFL player Tim Tebow, nothing has really panned out. Most recently, she was rumored to be dating Duggar family friend, Caleb Williams. But he squashed the gossip on Facebook, saying, "Now to clear the fog and avoid any confusion: Read my lips… I am not dating Jana Duggar."

He continued, "Over the past several months since an extremely unflattering image was posted by my friends and spread across the world faster than a viral cat video, there has been speculation regarding a relationship between myself and Jana. The extent of our relationship is purely friends and nothing more. Hopefully with this clarification, the Internet (as well as the space-time continuum) can heal from being broken the day my Gluteus Maximus gave Kim Kardashian a run for her money."

So, don't count on Caleb and Jana coupling up anytime soon. Just because Jana is nearing 30 doesn't mean she needs a husband, even though she might be breaking with tradition. She looks pretty damn happy to be hanging out with her family on the other side of the world without having to worry about any personal baggage.