Earlier this week, a rep for Tim Tebow crushed everyone’s dreams when it was confirmed the quarterback is not dating Jana Duggar — but now, her thoughts on their rumored relationship have been revealed!

The '19 Kids and Counting' star’s cousin, Amy Duggar, shared a screenshot of a headline that claimed the two ladies were fighting over the 27-year-old hunk. She echoed the sentiment of Tebow’s rep, with the caption, “Looks like the tabloids are at it again! Jana and I laughed so hard about this, we’ve never even met Tim Tebow.”


Well, hopefully their giggle-fueled conversations at least put the thought in Jana’s head — because we all know they’d make the PERFECT couple!

While Amy may have hashtagged the pic, “#AllSmilesNoDrama,” the same can’t be said about all the Duggar’s extended family members!

A new report claims Jim Bob and Michelle have “shunned” Susanna Keller — aka the sister of Anna Duggar, oldest son Josh’s wife — after the 22-year-old gave birth to a child out of wedlock last year!

MORE: Is the Duggar Family Feud Over? See Jessa and Jill’s Happy Double Date!

As a source tells Radar, “It would be bad for the Duggar brand. She broke away from everything [Josh’s] family represents.”

Yikes. We guess baby No. 4 won’t be meeting his/her Aunt Susanna when the baby makes his/her debut come early June…