They may have actually solved one of the greatest Duggar family mysteries this time around! Dedicated fans of Counting On have taken to reddit to explain their own theories as to why Jana Duggar — the oldest of the Duggar daughters — is still unmarried and living at home. And, well, the theory actually makes a ton of sense! Watch the video above for the full explanation!

In recent years, we’ve seen many of Jana’s younger sisters (and one brother!) get married and start families of their own, so her status as a single woman has sparked a lot of speculation among Duggar fans. By her own admission, living at home and watching her sisters get married off, one-by-one, hasn’t been easy for Jana.

“I know how it feels to wait for Prince Charming to come along. I’m still waiting,” she said in an interview with Crown of Beauty. “Waiting is not always easy. Especially in those times when all the married siblings are getting together and you can’t go along because you’re not part of ‘that’ group… Waiting doesn’t mean sitting and literally waiting. No, we need to be busy with where God has us and being content and joyfully serving Jesus there. My parents have always encouraged each of us to serve those around us… I’ve found that when I’m having a hard or discouraging day, I try to look for ways to bless or serve someone else. And in turn, it usually blesses and encourages me.”

Despite her own encouraging words, fans have often felt sorry for the oldest Duggar lady, even branding her Valentine’s Day flowers from her brothers as “sad.” Personally, we’re still pulling for the fact that her parents are working behind the scenes to pull of the most epic relationship, and most over-the-top wedding in all of Duggar history (which, to put it lightly, would be incredibly impressive to pull off).

We know that Jana will get her happily ever after one day. And we’ll be waiting for that day to come!

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