It seems like every day, there’s a new scandal that breaks about the Trump administration — so you’re definitely not alone if you feel like it’s hard to keep up with everything happening with the White House, and the drama that inevitably follows President Trump and his staff. The latest Very Big News to come out was revealed on Friday, when former National Seccurity Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador following last year’s presidential election (in fact, the Very Big News was so Very Big, that it mostly overshadowed the news cycle the next day, when it was revealed that the Senate passed a tax reform bill in the middle of the night…).

News that Flynn pleaded guilty has all eyes on Trump’s son-in-law/senior advisor, Jared Kushner — and for good reason; in his statement of offense filed on Dec. 1, Flynn revealed that it was a “very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team” who directed the former military man “to contact officials from foreign governments, including Russia, to learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution” about Israeli settlement building. Hours after Flynn’s team filed the statement, the Associated Press began reporting that Jared Kushner — who has played a crucial role in not only the campaign, but also the administration as the President’s senior advisor — was the “very senior member” of the presidential transition team anonymously named in the statement.

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So what does this mean for Kushner? Well, potentially a lot. The problem with Flynn’s confession is two-fold — first of all, he admitted he lied to the FBI, which — unsurprisingly — is illegal; the other factor of this problem is that what he discussed with the Russian Ambassador is also potentially illegal. According to his guilty plea, the “very senior member” — allegedly Kushner — ordered Flynn to tell the Russian ambassador to the US to delay a UN vote about Israeli settlement-building until after the Trump inaugaration, meaning that Trump and his team were influencing international politics prior to his being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.

If this sounds complicated, it’s because it is. While it’s still unknown what role Kushner played in the Russian investigation, Flynn’s statement has all eyes once again on Kushner — and more people wondering what his future in politics looks like.