Another day, another Teen Mom 2 daddy drama. Javi Marroquin excitedly professed to fans that he accompanied his girlfriend (and soon to be baby mama) Lauren Comeau to her doctor's appointment on July 9, but Twitter wasn't impressed.

"Was able to make it to my first doctor appt today… the baby is healthy and right on track," he wrote on Twitter on July 9. While he was clearly excited, fans thought it was absurd that this was only the first doctor's appointment he managed to make it to.

"Seriously, your first one? Isn’t she like six months along? For someone trying so hard to have a baby that’s a long-a– time not to go with her," said one hater. Another commenter agreed, writing, "she’s at least halfway through her pregnancy! I would be upset with my husband if he waited that long to go any appts." Some fans gave him a pass, because "he probably didn't want to be spotted there til they broke the news."

To be fair, we don't know exactly how far along Lauren is, as she's kept it very close to the vest. However, her stomach is huge, and she posted another ultrasound the next day. "Yesterday we got to see our sweet baby’s littlest feet ✨ happy, healthy and oh so loved," she wrote.

Even the ultrasound sparked fan suspicion. "She's like six months. Or 20 weeks at least. I'm sure they went to the baby's big appointment today and they found out the sex they're just trying to keep it low-key," said one fan. Another thought they could tell just from the photo what it was. "It’s a girl. You can see the baby’s anatomy on the sonogram pic!" We'll just have to wait for that next big announcement!

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