So this is creepy AF.

Teen Mom 2 star Javi Marroquin took to Twitter Thursday to troll Jo Rivera‘s fiancée —and his message had to do with … toilet paper?

Vee Torres snapped a photo of herself in a bathroom, to which Javi responded, “Running low on TP.”

MORE: Javi Marroquin Posts a Thirst Trap and His Ex-Wife Kailyn Lowry Falls Right In

The reality star clapped back with, “Used it to clean up all your sh-tty jokes.”

Go, girl!

javi marroquin vee torres twitter

Javi and Jo are both Kailyn Lowry‘s exes and baby daddies, which makes this tweet particularly bizarre.

Jo and Kail were high school sweethearts, while Javi didn’t come into the picture until Season 4 of Teen Mom 2 — yet the pair moved VERY fast. The now 24-year-old put a ring on it just months after they started dating and their divorce was finalized in December 2016.

MORE: Relax, Internet — Kailyn Lowry Took Bug Spray on Her Babymoon So She Won’t Get Zika

Kailyn is a mom to Isaac, 7, with Jo, and Lincoln, 3, with Javi, and is expecting her third child with estranged ex Chris Lopez any day now!

Here’s to hoping that custody battle with Jo doesn’t put a damper on this joyous occasion! — and that Vee found some toilet paper.

Teen Mom 2 returns Monday, July 17 at 9 p.m. EST on MTV.

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