Keeping score. Jed Duggar and wife Katey Duggar (née Nakatsu) feel “betrayed” by Jill Dillard (née Duggar) and Derick Dillard and their participation in the Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets documentary which dropped on June 1, a source exclusively tells In Touch

“Jill’s brother Jed and his wife Katey want nothing to do with her or Derick,” the Duggar insider says of the fractured relationship, noting that Jed, 24, has taken issue with both the documentary and Jill’s newly announced book, Counting the Cost

While Jed hasn’t made an official statement regarding the bombshell documentary and his older sister’s participation in it, he did seemingly shade Jill, 32, and her memoir news when she made the announcement on May 31. He appeared to like negative comments about the book – which will surely be expository – on Instagram, seemingly targeting Jill’s ongoing transparency efforts. 

“I can’t help but feel bad for your parents. I cannot imagine my children writing tell all books about my family,” one fan wrote in the comments section of Jill’s post, which Jed liked. “Here’s the thing Jill, NO family is perfect. Not one. And yes, while most do not have reality TV shows, you would also not have the opportunity to profit from your story.”

Not all fans were on Jed’s side, however, as one follower told him that he should be “ashamed of liking these types of comments,” defending Jill and her recent bombshell drops. 

The commenter continued, “You’re not proving to be a real Christian, but a Pharisee. A real Christian would stand up for injustice. But I guess your Pharisee father sharing his portion of the family fortune with you and your brothers is more important. It’s really shameful how your siblings turned on Jill instead of your father,” to which Jed responded directly. 

“Excuse you, but you don’t know our family at all. Please don’t make assumptions about things that 100% [is] none of your business. The true shame is on you,” he wrote. 

While Jed hasn’t shied away from defending himself and his family in the wake of Shiny Happy People and Jill’s participation in the documentary, the family insider tells In Touch that the other Duggar children likely won’t follow suit. 

“Other siblings feel the same way [as Jed], but as far as I know, none have gone public yet,” the source continues. “And of course, there are other siblings that are on the fence, but they’re terrified to voice their opinions.” 

Meanwhile, powerful parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have made it clear that they do not buy in to the documentary or the information shared by their daughter, aptly using quotes in their sharply worded response to seemingly disparage Jill’s claims. 

“The recent ‘documentary’ that talks about our family is sad because in it we see the media and those with ill intentions hurting people we love. Like other families, ours too has experienced the joys and heartbreaks of life, just in a very public format,” the couple wrote on their website just minutes after Shiny Happy People dropped on Amazon Video. “This ‘documentary’ paints so much and so many in a derogatory and sensationalized way because sadly that’s the direction of entertainment these days.”